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> W550 review !
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How“s the browser wizz??? Can you post photos of it???
Posted: 2005-10-28 23:27:21
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I don't know if it's dodgy firmware or if I have a faulty handset, but on my W550i, the phone crashes when you turn the Bluetooth on or off. I was playing a game and when I exited, the phone crashed there too! Hopefully it should get sorted soon...If anyone else's W550i also crashes, I'd appreciate it if you could write where and when it crashes.
Posted: 2005-11-12 12:29:15
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Haven't had a w550i crash yet using BT or anything else for that matter, may have older FW or a faulty handset matey, i think the W550i is the most stable

phone released yet out of the k750/w800 ect...
I have FW...
Posted: 2005-11-14 14:23:57
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Well I don't know what it was but my network provider (o2) sent me a replacement and it's working perfectly, maybe just a one-off
Posted: 2005-11-15 18:12:27
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Just got mine just now. Bought it offline for £219.99 from the Carphonewarehouse. Had it a only a couple of mins and I think it's amazing. Think it's time to sell my w800i.
Posted: 2005-11-30 18:15:46
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Had mine a few days now & totally love it. It is quirky looking & has some wicked features. My nokia is now in the kitchen drawer & dont think it will be coming out for a while yet !
If people are not happy with the memory then dont buy it.
Posted: 2005-12-07 03:43:02
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i'm also bought my W550i a week ago, something want to share with you all as below:
1) The alarm ringtone should be in default "Greeting" if you are playing the MP3 songs, even though you selected the others ringtone for alarm alert.
2) The style up covers (original orange color) would be dirty so easily, and cannot be removed. (turned dark)
3) The times of "Total Call Time" (in >* "Calls" -> "Times & Costs" -> "Call timers". For my experience: the running time of "Total Call Time" (in >*<**<*) should be over 2 times.
Posted: 2005-12-07 07:36:11
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Had mine for a few days and I think my loudspeaker is already having some problem. Maybe is because I had the volume on max most of the time because now, my loudspeaker wont go any louder past the halfway line of the volume meter.
Any other W550 user having this problem too? Maybe I shouldnt have the volume on max all the time :/
Other than that, I love the phone

[ This Message was edited by: DeadxxEye on 2005-12-13 17:27 ]
Posted: 2005-12-13 18:26:35
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Please continue
Posted: 2005-12-14 00:05:55
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