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> A couple of my mates. Meet JasJar and K-Jam (many pics)
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How do you find the k-jams speed compard yo your 128mb superjam you had.
Do you find it an upgarde or downgrade from the jam (with it only having half ram .etc .etc)?
Is the speed comparable to the jam with this running it as fast as the 128mb superjam would you say?
Thanks in advance
Posted: 2005-10-25 16:33:51
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Good review, M. You've touched on the 1 thing many people mostly regard as irrelevant, i.e. one-handed operation. It's certainly cumbersome having to fiddle about with both hands, particularly in a social setting. Given a few more years we're bound to see these devices in much smaller packages, so i suppose a bit of patience would be in order while the design gurus scale em down
Posted: 2005-10-25 19:27:00
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@mork, I tested with wifi only. If I'm on GPRS (no EDGE in UK) then I'm not sure that the data charges would make it worthwhile making the call using that as against using my normal service provider where I have free calls included in my tariff.
also, since WM5 supports auto-roaming, has it happened to you already to be exchanging data via wifi, then move away from the router and continue browsing/skyping on EDGE automatically ( and the opposite ) ?
...or do you have to manually reset the network to go on ?
it does move smoothly from wifi to GPRS without intervention. on this subject I notice that even if I have a preferred wifi station nearby, but one that requires me to sign in, then the unit still chooses GPRS over the wifi connection.
Looking forward to your video test when you have more time to play with your K-JAM. I would LOVE to be able to stream my divx movies on the PC HD / 802.11b in the living room directly to the K-JAM in my bedroom ( around 7 meters away one door in between ) without having to convert the 700Mb files every time... =P
...even if it means i have to buy a 802.11g router ( or move the 802.11b closer to the bedroom ), SKYPE and video would be my BUY NOW factor, instead of waiting for the HTC HERMES in 9 months
I do already have an 802.11g wireless router in the house so will certainly try this sometime soon. I'm still a bit ho-hum about skype but haven't really used it enough to decide one way or the other
@J273, in the hand its very comfortable. in portrait mode the k-jam has a rounded back to it but I mostly use landscape and with the extra width given by the open keyboard it makes holding the device much more stable.
I didn't go for the superjam. I just had the standard. I always have large memory cards (2gb SD) and install virtually everything there so internal memory is really just for running stuff. For this reason I don't notice any slowdown and in fact I'd say the k-jam is much snappier than the original jam. The only issue I have, and it was the same with the jasjar, is that occassionaly displaying icons in programs or settings can be a bit jerky.
Is the speed comparable to the jam with this running it as fast as the 128mb superjam would you say?
@Kryptik, I really do get alot done one handed on the device compared with my old Jam
Posted: 2005-10-27 23:07:39
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thanks for your SKYPE reply MASSEUR, much appreciated and right on the spot as far as i am concerned...
...ORANGE released the SPV m3000 here in france today, and now i'm totally DROOLING for real...
...will wait for your streaming video test before i take the final decision...
Posted: 2005-10-27 23:56:45
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@masseur thanks for the review facing the same choices i think I'll opt for the k jam if it comes out in the uk
@mork is the spv 3000 equivalent to the Kjam
Posted: 2005-11-02 11:12:19
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the k-jam is available in UK. I got mine in UK at Expansys
Posted: 2005-11-02 11:22:21
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yes, the K-JAM is rebranded by ORANGE as SPV M3000 =)
Posted: 2005-11-02 16:00:38
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Has anyone else got the o2 version of the jas-jar and confirm it doesnt come with skype
Posted: 2005-11-02 20:38:55
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DickySnapples Posts: > 500
i was gonna go for the k-jam.but after much deliberation,i just thought,screw it im getting a JasJar, i should be ordering it in the next day or so
Posted: 2005-11-03 00:07:28
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DickySnapples Posts: > 500
masseur- on the k-jam/JASJAR if the battery drains completly will all Data on the device be lost?(like my Jam did)
Posted: 2005-11-03 16:21:36
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