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BillatheKid Posts: 5

u can edit/change provider name but the information is on the sim card and not the fone. wat u need to do is edit the card card . tools needed r sim card software reader/writer and sim card reader itself
Posted: 2002-03-31 13:51:00
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Linkinpark17UK Posts: 372

I would change my name but the problem is my network is called Virgin Mobile, any how I've discovered a great way of removing the network name, just hang about in an area with no signal and the name will dissapear?

Posted: 2002-03-31 13:57:00
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all8 Posts: 372

"Logomanager" software is capable of changing Network provider Name on Nokia Phones. I tried it on T68, it won't work. Perhaps there is a similar third party software for phones
Posted: 2002-03-31 14:53:00
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altemyr Posts: > 500

Another thing about the network operator name: It seems that the name of the network operator is stored twice on the sim, one "long" version and one "short" version. And even though there is enough space on the display for the "long" name, Ericsson phones seem to choose the "short" version. As an example, two of the bigger network operators in Sweden are Telia and Comviq. They appear in an Ericsson phone as "S Telia" and "S IQ" respectively, I think the "S" stands for Sweden, while the very same sim cards, when put in a Nokia phone, show "Telia Mobiltel" and "Comviq". I don't think you can do anything about this either.
Posted: 2002-04-01 21:24:00
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arroyootje Posts: > 500

I know a friend of mine changed the name of his sim by doing something to his card in the computer. It sounded pretty difficult though, I don't remember which phone it was....
Posted: 2002-04-07 07:46:00
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arroyootje Posts: > 500

I know a friend of mine changed the name of his provider in his sim by doing something to his card in the computer. It sounded pretty difficult though, I don't remember which phone it was....
Posted: 2002-04-07 07:47:00
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pxus Posts: 88

I should say that the provider name is not on the sim but on the phone.

The thing is that the phone gets which provider you are on, but with a number (ej. 201-14). The thing is that the phone has got a name related to this code, so displays the name.

There is no information about the providers name on the sim. You can check that on nokia phones.

Posted: 2002-04-12 16:08:00
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t68muser Posts: 7

This cannot be true because when my provider had changed name i asked my service center and they told of that i could change it only by editing my my t28 which was very old couldnt have the new name in it This post was posted from a T68
Posted: 2002-04-12 16:25:00
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Deltayoda Posts: > 500

No idea, but I doubt it's written on the SIM Card, due to some possible reasons for my theory:

1. When you�re in an area that has no reception, the phone says "NO NETWORK"

2. When you�re out of your phones provider area, it says "SOS CALLS ONLY" (LAX Airport for example), I've even seen it say "Emergency Calls only" in some areas in California, even switches to "911 only".

This leads me to believe that the local area provider sends some sort of message to your phone (using your SIM card as confirmation), and possibly this maybe editable. Someone do an experiment on this (Confirm what I have up, would like to know if I�m right) Would be great to change that stupid text to say "WORLD"
Posted: 2002-04-13 08:20:00
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mbjc Posts: 60

The serive provider name can be both from the SIM-card and from the phone....

If the operator has a name on the sim card this is the name that will be shown when you are in your home network. But if there is no name on the SIM card the operator name in the phone will be used... Actually it is more complicated than this but here are the general guidelines...
Posted: 2002-04-13 08:46:00
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