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> Nokia N90
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the size of the device is really down to your own perception. i think the w900 is a brick when closed and it looks massive when opened to me it looks ungamely, but loads of people on here think its the bees knees.
i think the n90 looks big but from reading what people who own one say the size isnt an issue for them.
so its horse for courses in my opinion. as for weight well if a few grams even a 100 g is that noticable i suggest you eat your greens and grow a bit stronger
heres a review of the two cameras in the phones by someone who more often than not is unbiased in his opinions. after all id read on here about hte n90 this review was a bit of an eye opener
http://www.mobileburn.com/story.jsp?Page=5&Id=1743[ This Message was edited by: slattery69 on 2005-10-29 10:23 ]
Posted: 2005-10-29 11:14:03
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The N90 has a Carl Zeiss camera with supreme resolution therefore it should be better than the K750i. I think the size and weight issue has been grossly exaggerated because its not as heavy or bulky as first thought.
Posted: 2005-10-30 20:50:21
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The mobileburn review just proved my point, like other reviews,...a much cheaper much, lighter, much smaller device, without any fancy CZ lens, AT LEAST equals n90 -
remember that n90 is so massive because of supposed mighty CZ lens (if it wasnīt for that they could make a decent size device like n70)
so, itīs logical to say Nokia failed the expectations with the brick
Posted: 2005-10-30 23:53:18
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what happened in that video?
Did he like pop the cork and smash the glass?
And at the end, if I had that phone I'd never treat so rough as to slam it shut
Posted: 2005-10-31 00:30:22
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On 2005-10-31 00:30:22, amnesia wrote:
what happened in that video?
Did he like pop the cork and smash the glass?
And at the end, if I had that phone I'd never treat so rough as to slam it shut
looks to me like thats wots goin on.. *giggles*
found this one too, says it was shot on n90 in the same way,
whats that falling off? watched it 3-4 times now and cant work it out

[ This Message was edited by: tranquil on 2005-11-04 06:30 ]
Posted: 2005-11-01 11:32:33
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Few shots with N90 at
Notes: no retouch or anything.
Just resize with XnView.
Will keep posting
[ This Message was edited by: Super G on 2005-11-01 10:51 ]
Posted: 2005-11-01 11:50:02
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DickySnapples Posts: > 500
On 2005-10-31 00:30:22, amnesia wrote:
what happened in that video?
Did he like pop the cork and smash the glass?
And at the end, if I had that phone I'd never treat so rough as to slam it shut
he does seem to use some force closing it! id never treat mine like that!
Posted: 2005-11-01 19:12:06
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I think its the thumb of the statue!! and the phone is slammed shut pretty harshly lol.
Posted: 2005-11-02 00:20:30
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I've been disapointed by the size, the weight, the quality that resembles others phones on the market,the fragmented video shots (moves in bits).I liked the name recognition system (u dont have to tag the name) but that's about it. Most of the ppl laugh and diss it when they see it..that says everything about it.
This message was posted from a WAP device
Posted: 2005-11-02 00:35:53
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Well for now it is the only widespread cell which does take acceptable pictures in less then optimal conditions.(try to take a picture of a badly lit streed with a k750i and you will see the technical limits of image processing) The beauty about the N90 is - you get a almost 'raw' picture which you can enhance on your own terms unliked the k750i which is already 'enhanced' by a good to very good software I might add.Also because of the smaller more limited lens the macro function is ways better in the N90.(Actually there is no contest there) The video quality is also better (by miles) in the N90. But probably the worst thing about the K750i is non other then SE itself. They really struggle to iron out all the bugs and lots of customers are pis*t off with it ! Just check on this same forum.
This message was posted from a Nokia 7650
Posted: 2005-11-02 01:16:06
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