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> My "3" K800i mini review - not for html lite or 56k
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it would have been great if you resized the pics to about half the size. pics would show up clearer.
Posted: 2006-07-02 03:55:09
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@ Fatreg
I've looked everywhere and got no sense, not even from SE (suprise). Anyway is the message alert limited to 6 seconds like it is on K750 and W810? Cos that really annoys me as sometimes it's not long enough.
Mines due for upgrade this month and am really considering this phone but the 6 second thing might just sway me in another direction.
Posted: 2006-07-02 09:37:49
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nope only 6 secs again.
and all phots bar phone photos resized..
Posted: 2006-07-02 12:33:00
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Posted: 2006-07-02 14:32:21
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Hey all,
First time poster (woo!). I picked up one of these on Three last week, and agree with the OP. It's a bit ... meh. It's nice, but not really much of a change from the year-old D750i I had before. I remember the change from T610 to D750i being pretty big. But this time ... underwhelming would be a good word.
The "longer" screen means the buttons are all squashed together making them a bit fiddly to use in a hurry, the camera seems a bit iffy, the lens cover slider looks like it'd snap off in a sharp breeze, and the Three branding is horrible. I've been with T-Mobile for a few years and was never a fan of their branding - but this is just crazy - the horrible scrolly banner thing on the standby page, the fact that they take up 2 of the buttons on the main menu with nonsense, the fact that the music button loads some nasty Java music-selling app.
A bigger irritation for me is the it seems you can only access websites from a select list. A list on which several of the links I tried were broken. For example, I used to use my old phone to check GMail regularly, by going to With Three the only option I'm given is to go to (some weird looking site which doesn't provide any services anymore).
Not being an expert on all things phone-related - I guess I need to keep an eye on Da Vinci for a solution to the branding problem. And .... is there a solution to the internet issues?
Thanks in advance,
[ This Message was edited by: Philspc on 2006-07-06 13:47 ]
Posted: 2006-07-06 14:26:39
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yes you can on
i think
Posted: 2006-07-06 15:22:46
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there is a solution to the internet access: pay out of your arse for an add ni youll never benefit enough from to justify buying
thieving cheapskate bastards 3
Posted: 2006-07-11 08:46:58
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nice mini review! K800 (in my case k790) is a very interesting phone indeed.
Posted: 2006-07-28 02:36:57
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