General discussions : Product reviews : Samsung X820 (a.k.a. 6.9) Review
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> Samsung X820 (a.k.a. 6.9) Review
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Seems like a good phone but not enough to replace my K750. Seems the W810 is the better choice?
This message was posted from a Nokia
Posted: 2006-08-13 21:04:09
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I wouldn't say so.
Then again, one is a slim phone with a extremely fast UI.
The other is an MP3 phone
Posted: 2006-08-14 01:01:48
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On 2006-08-14 01:01:48, amnesia wrote:
I wouldn't say so.
Then again, one is a slim phone with a extremely fast UI.
The other is an MP3 phone
But I don't think the slim is in concept is enough to trade off autofocus and a radio. Plus Sony Ericsson's UI isn't slow either.
Posted: 2006-08-14 21:24:31
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my argument isn't that it's a slim phone so can do away with those features.
I'm saying it's not an equal comparison to compare it with a W810.
Plus 'Radio' is still not a very common feature and one that I find as just a 'bonus'.
Although you are right, it would be nice if there was autofocus, nevertheless, the photos taken are great.
If you did want to compare phones though, I'd compare it to a SCPL, SLVR, or another slim range.
You'll never find a phone that has as nice specs as this at the moment, I mean, even the thickest phones don't have a 2mp camera. There is only so much you can fit into a tiny body. The battery itself takes up half the phone.
Posted: 2006-08-14 22:52:35
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Agreed, this is one heck of a phone for its size
Posted: 2006-08-19 03:17:19
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Looks like a womans phone to be quite honest, would suit my missus down to a t.
Nice looking phone though.
Posted: 2006-08-30 15:51:58
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hi can i just check.
how would u rate this phone in terms of like its functional capabilities as:
1) An organiser - like does all its menu and task functions easy to access and capable of actually being a proper organiser
2) Document viewer - what kind of documents can it view and what are the font sizes?
3) web browser - can it open internet websites like a regular comp or is it only those usual WAP browser on normal phones?
4) emailing - is it available and also easy to access.
Cause i really wanna get a phone that provides the above functions. i know a PDA phone prob does provide all the above, but i cant stand their sizes plus i dun tink i really need something as sophisticated as a full-fledge PDA phone.
thanks thanks in advance~!
Posted: 2006-08-30 20:02:57
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1) very easy to use.
2) all the basics, I cannot judge the font size. Large enough.
3) yes it can open regular sites
4) setting it up is as easy as going to messages and putting in the correct information. No hassle.
Posted: 2006-08-30 23:18:08
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Just a couple of questions...
1-) Does the camera have a flash feature?
2-) What can you say about the signal performance?
3-) In terms of battery performance, I have seen some sites that say this phone has just 2.5 talk hours of battery life, and for me, this is a little amount, is this true?
Posted: 2006-09-08 01:40:38
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1-) yes
2-) standard
3-) mine lasts 2-3 days average, I think these people are those that have weak signal areas so their phone has to constantly hunt for a signal and drain the battery.
Posted: 2006-09-08 04:42:13
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