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> OEM Sony Ericsson T68i faceplates for sale
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$16/piece + $6 shipping for Ericsson T68
I don't beleive there is a place in Europe that sells faceplates @ 19 Euro. I have been talking with the Official Dealer. And I do remind you, that we have a SE factory in the city, that DOES assemble phones here. That must be the Chinese made, or dummy phone faceplates.
Posted: 2002-11-13 20:05:00
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To: DragonEye
Nope the only ones we have here are Arctic Blue and Grey panels. Adriatic Blue is made for AT&T only I beleive. It is not being sold in Europe.
Posted: 2002-11-13 20:08:00
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hey shima i emailed u back just in case u read this b4 ur email
i want 1 mineral gray and 1 arctic blue that way i'll have all 3 colors to switch back and forth from when i feel like it LOL need more info as far as ordering plz thx
Posted: 2002-11-14 05:54:00
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Hey Egg, I didn't receive an email. Try hitting me on ICQ/YahooIM/AIM or WIM, or send that email again
Posted: 2002-11-14 07:20:00
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haha, for thoese who have the latest Yahoo Instant Messanger, I can showcase the faceplates through my webcam

Live Showcase

Posted: 2002-11-14 07:24:00
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Please note, that my webcam is rather shitty
Posted: 2002-11-14 07:27:00
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Pease notice me when you lower the price
Posted: 2002-11-14 07:37:00
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I also offer Arctic Blue faceplates for T68i. Please inquire by PM or
Also Grey and Gold panels for Ericsson T68. Original.
Posted: 2002-11-15 00:02:00
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If anyone need the Original Ericsson T68 Lunar Grey or Zirrocan Gold I got them for sale @ $16 a piece. Hit me at
Posted: 2002-11-15 16:47:00
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@shima: ever heard of where to get adriatic blue facias? Are there any for sale? Thanks.
This post was posted from a T68i
Posted: 2002-11-15 18:32:00
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