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DickySnapples Posts: > 500
Blackberry is secure,push email. Really easy to use(especially with the 8700's qwerty keyboard). And can access corporate email which normal phones cant. Syncs well with outlook aswell
i won a W880!
[ This Message was edited by: Dicky Snapples on 2007-02-25 02:04 ]
Posted: 2007-02-25 03:01:00
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Right i've added my BB pin to my Sig... Where's reggie when you need to talk data bundles? The only unlimited data package on the orange site is £87
Posted: 2007-02-25 11:37:09
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So can I join this thread then?? (With Tmagberry ((or whatever his name is now!)) saying "I told you so"!!)
Dont have my data plan sorted yet, stooopid O2, but getting there!
I had the pearl, and I dont think its anywhere near as nice as the 8700, so I am planning on upgrading to the 8800 pearl when I can!!
Still dont know the full ins and outs of this phone, but Im sure "he" will show me!!
Posted: 2007-02-25 12:10:46
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For those of you who don't know much about the blackberry or just want to know more about its functions,here is a
good guide to start from.
Posted: 2007-02-25 12:34:24
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It seems too complicated for me!!!
Posted: 2007-02-25 14:05:18
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ok i've got a question!
I've managed to send myself emails with .jpg attachments no problems. But i've just sent myself a mail with 3 mp3 ringtones attached, all about 75kb each, i i can't acces them?? Anyone know why? In the mail it says they're attached but i for some reason i haven't got the option to open attachments??
Posted: 2007-02-25 15:23:25
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On 2007-02-25 12:10:46, fairygirl1 wrote:
So can I join this thread then?? (With Tmagberry ((or whatever his name is now!)) saying "I told you so"!!)
Dont have my data plan sorted yet, stooopid O2, but getting there!
I had the pearl, and I dont think its anywhere near as nice as the 8700, so I am planning on upgrading to the 8800 pearl when I can!!
Still dont know the full ins and outs of this phone, but Im sure "he" will show me!!
You have NO idea how much more features the 8100 offers above the 8700. Don't be tied to the independent keys try to adapt, if not IMPORT the 8800 (which has GPS built in). from the US or myself

For those that like the Pearl but still want the full qwerty independent keys, then wait until Tmobile USA ships the 8830? with GPS & WiFi
Burgaz, are setup on BES or on BIS? Also what model BB do you have? I believe the 7290's dont have native support for MP3's not sure about the 8700's. Use the USB cord and transfer the file see if it'll play. BUT with the email OPEN it go ALL the way to the bottom then click on the actual attachment icon.
Kwiksta, BB's have so many more features than you could possibly imagine.
Name me 1 just 1 other manufacturer that allows you to download firmware OLD/NEW thats supported by your phone that they will FULLY honor their warranty if it doesn't fully install or UNINSTALL by the end user. Weather or not you source the firmware from your provider or another provider!! NONE can do this, not even OEM, 3rd Party, or MS PPC type devices can go UP or DOWN and be fully supported when the firmware is add/removed ALL by the end user!

That alone got me interested in BB's.
Now Im learning BES Admin - complete newb on that but learning.
Posted: 2007-02-25 16:18:13
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i've an 8700f on orange UK, am a BIS customer,
i've also sent MP3 to my BB but to no avail..
i've just pinned my uncle as he has guagloine as his ringtone so i know something can be done!
i'll you know.
Posted: 2007-02-25 17:40:32
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I've got the 8700f too!
I downloaded a couple of mp3 tones i found on wap sites and they work but i cant send the ones i want easily to it! As for the usb lead... How do i access the BB from my computer? I downloaded the software for it from the BB site but i haven't installed it yet, i haven't got the disk that came with the phone it got mislaid... Should have it soon tho!
Whats this BIS business about?
Xbox Live Gamertag: Burgaz
BlackBerry Pin: 24FE725B
[ This Message was edited by: Burgaz on 2007-02-25 16:56 ]
[ This Message was edited by: Burgaz on 2007-02-25 16:57 ]
Posted: 2007-02-25 17:56:16
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BIS - BlackBerry Internet Service.
BES - BlackBerry Enterprise Service.
BIS is for indivulals and BEs is for corps!
hmmmmmm.... mp3s do work then!?
thats gay!
you jsut install the sw duder and off you go
Posted: 2007-02-25 18:00:12
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