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> detailed k810i review with live pics
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In my opinion the design of the K800 is a classic phone design, instead of the stylish one of the K810. Actually the K810 has far more better camera cover because it's placed inside the phone housing while the K800 one is outside the housing. But I don't know about the kayboard. I think the buttons are separated from each other too much, so I don't know if it is comfortable for typing sms, emails or playing games on it.
Posted: 2007-06-08 09:33:17
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I find the K810i's keypad style and layout to be butt ugly, but I really like the back. I like how the camera lens is now incorporated WITHIN/INSIDE the back cover, instead of it protruding out like on my K800i (although I don't have the camera-lens-opening-in-my-pants-pocket problem

I haven't seen a K810i in person or held one in my hand yet, but I'll be sticking with my K800i for sure. There's hardly any difference between the two other than physical appearance and size
Posted: 2007-06-10 16:36:55
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I've been using a k750 previously and switched to k810 two weeks back.
I've used my k750 to take pictures for some press ads (not big images, but it was handy when you need it during a rush work where you dont have time to find professional photographer). A similar situation came y'day and i had to take some pics to be used for an emergency ad. But the results were dissappointing . The pictures blured and it had some black spots.
Can anyone explain this please...
Posted: 2008-01-19 17:23:55
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it happened to me, just update the firmware and it should be ok again
Posted: 2008-01-19 17:30:09
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But i couldn't update through the phone, it says i have the latest firmware. And the SEUS does not have the application to download.
Posted: 2008-01-22 07:31:26
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