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> The Life and Times of a Samsung U600 User
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overall, i am impressed with it. i'm judging the phone as a whole, not adding up the sum of its parts.
i know i've been a bit harsh on it, but i'm harsh on all phones. there are some things that peeve me, but some of the things that i was ranting about it in the review don't affect me much. i was ranting about them because they are things that shouldn't be designed the way they are (eg the alarm and not being able to conveniently select people's 2nd mobile number when sending a text to them). they won't really be a deal breaker for most, if any.
@The LostProphet
"what the battery life like?"
it's not that brilliant

. really. the phone has some sort of power management for the battery so using the display is disproportionately high in usage compared to playing the radio or mp3 with the display off. i played scrabble at the weekend on my phone for about 3 hours and it went from being fully charged to 2 bars. that means that the battery was about 55% drained.
[ This Message was edited by: Brightspark on 2007-08-21 00:25 ]
Posted: 2007-08-21 01:25:08
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hmm i may need a bit more time to think about it then as i need something with pretty good battery life.
once again well done on the good review though
Posted: 2007-08-21 01:28:44
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keep in mind that this user is a big samsung fan. battery life is like on most samsung phones quite low.
Posted: 2007-08-21 01:30:12
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Well, he DID say battery life isn't brilliant, didn't he ?
Posted: 2007-08-21 01:35:02
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@The LostProphet
the phone isn't for you then. i think it would just peeve you after a while if you're wanting good battery life.
i'm considering buying a 1000mah battery (you can get them for about 4 squid off, but i just haven't got around to it yet and because i'm cautious about buying online. someone was saying that they drain just as fast, illogical as that may sound. in the meantime, i'm going to keep my eyes peeled for people's experiences before i part with my money.
Feisty Fawn Linux user.
[ This Message was edited by: Brightspark on 2007-08-21 00:36 ]
Posted: 2007-08-21 01:35:41
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phones shouldn't need an extra higher capacity battery. samsung should put more R&D in power managment.
he did say it isn't brilliant, a normal user would've said that its poor or even that it sucks.
Posted: 2007-08-21 01:40:35
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You're right,
Brightspark! I have TWO 1600Mah BST-33s sat here, bought for W900/P990, which, when ran, drain FASTER than the standard 950Mah! When hooked up to test, they're actually.................750Mah......
Typical Ebay garbage......only face saver is, they only cost £8 for the pair......
Posted: 2007-08-21 01:42:36
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it's something that i'm going to have to look into. some batteries are about 4 quid, and the very same(according to all the write-up i can find) batteries being sold elsewhere are about 11 quid. until i can find out some rationale between the price difference and read some small print, i'm going to hold off buying.
as for ebay, there is no way that i'm going to buy from that place. i don't trust it at all.
i think it must be like memory cards. you can get 2GB memory cards for about 12 quid and others for about 19. when you read the small print, you'll notice that they have 2 very different data transfer rates.
[ This Message was edited by: Brightspark on 2007-08-21 00:51 ]
Posted: 2007-08-21 01:50:43
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i dont know.. but i think that this phone might not be that durable to even last a year.. hope i am wrong
Posted: 2007-09-21 17:25:53
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how loud is it compared with any sony ericcson phone? its loud?
louder than a k750? or a n73? or a n6280 or a Z610?
[ This Message was edited by: weaka on 2007-09-25 03:32 ]
Posted: 2007-09-25 04:29:48
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