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amnesia Posts: > 500

yes it's true. It's mentioned in his review.

Unlock it using my tutorial here on esato.

(It's been out in Doha - Qatar for some time now )

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[ This Message was edited by: amnesia on 2007-10-09 03:32 ]
Posted: 2007-09-07 00:11:46
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Miss UK Posts: > 500

thats display looks really good it does look nice aswell..

good review too made a pleasant read thanks
Posted: 2007-09-07 00:33:05
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SaLiH Posts: 460

Great review, even dough I'm not a huge fan of iPhone!
Posted: 2007-09-07 00:35:42
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fbloise Posts: > 500

I better wait for the W960.
Posted: 2007-09-07 01:17:36
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jcwhite_uk Posts: > 500

For me that main bit missing is 3G. I use it a lot to connect my laptop to the net when out of the office and EDGE isnt available in the uk with a good data tariff.
Posted: 2007-09-07 01:53:10
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NightBlade Posts: > 500

Camera? Good? You've got to be kidding me.
The camera sucks, man.
Posted: 2007-09-07 02:28:03
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fbloise Posts: > 500

Yes, camar ais not good at all.
The W850 carries a way better cam!
Posted: 2007-09-07 03:17:04
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NightBlade Posts: > 500

Hahaha, I just read that you can't delete files.
How lame is that?

Oh, and the lack of Java is a big nono. How am I supposed to properly surf the net with its WiFi without Java?
Posted: 2007-09-07 10:49:11
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max_wedge Posts: > 500

Dragoneye, excellent review mate, brilliant to get some honest well balanced info on what it's like ot actually use the iphone. It sounds a lovely and apealing phone, I like the multimedia and touchscreen stuff. But ultimately I am one of those people who like to micro-manage as well as someone who uses bluetooth and java a lot, so I'll never be interested replacing my main mobile with an iphone. However it does sound a nice phone, and I hope some of it's innovations make it into some more featured and less proprietary platforms such as P series or HTC.
Posted: 2007-09-07 11:43:54
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Alexandra Posts: > 500

The iPhone is crap, as highlited by this review. Why do so many people like it?

By the way, a good camera!?
Posted: 2007-09-07 11:48:11
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