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Sammy_boy Posts: > 500

I'm planning to use MP3s on it a fairly high bitrates, 192 bit minimum, which is great as it'll be expandable with my music collection, I'll just keep buying Hi-MDs! And no need to worry about running out of space, though the only downside is of course that I can't shuffle all my music as I would on my 30Gb iPod Video, though I guess I could throw all my MDs in the air and pick them up in a random order

Speaking of which, just got a great bargain off Ebay, the MZ-NH700 Hi-MD player for £22.49 delivered! They normally go for £60-odd on Ebay - though I might have to get a few accessories for it, only the unit, charger and cloth carry pouch were pictured but still an excellent deal.
Posted: 2007-10-08 22:08:18
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Sammy_boy Posts: > 500

Just been reading around and it sounds like I might have trouble using my MP3s on the MD, looks like it might have to convert them to their own ATRAC format, though I have a feeling when I had my Sony MP3 player it did a similar thing with that - I still have that version of SonicStage on my PC, I presume that will work with the Hi-MD unit too?
Posted: 2007-10-08 22:38:47
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fatreg Posts: > 500

yeah it will do sammy..

sound stage will do it for you..

Posted: 2007-10-08 23:17:33
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A L 3 X Posts: > 500

thought i may aswell have an input here....

used to have one of these:[....]eNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

it was working fine apart from the rechargeable battery was a bit tempremental....woullda sold it to you but me being pissed off caused it to hit a wall....tis now in around 5 pieces
Posted: 2007-10-08 23:22:10
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fatreg Posts: > 500

oh bloody hell! the R90.. that was my 2nd ever MD player.. on about my 5th now..

gets used a hell of a lot more than my iPod does..

in relation to what choons to play sammy, just rewind back to when you had a CD player and what CDs you used to take.. or make your own mix
Posted: 2007-10-08 23:26:00
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A L 3 X Posts: > 500

is it any good fatreg cos cost me £300 when new
Posted: 2007-10-08 23:27:56
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fatreg Posts: > 500

if memory serves me correct it's not even an MDLP one, but it is a recorder, so could be helpful to someone just getting into MD.. but if it's in 5 pieces....
Posted: 2007-10-08 23:33:49
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A L 3 X Posts: > 500

most of it'll come out wi a bit of brasso and duck tape im sure;).....
Posted: 2007-10-08 23:55:01
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fatreg Posts: > 500


it's the wee screws that are bugger...
Posted: 2007-10-09 00:05:07
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Miss UK Posts: > 500

they still produce these things

me mates got a Sony MDS-JE530 gathering loads of dust it does get used ocass tho
Posted: 2007-10-09 00:39:34
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