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> Mizzle's large W960 review
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On 2007-12-25 02:30:07, PeterKay wrote:
Nicely done Mizzle anyways
Miss doing my reviews!!!! can't wait for me next proto
Thanks again and again

loooooooool, you Brit!

"me next" - don't you know it's called "my" next
Posted: 2007-12-25 02:31:34
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me next proto, a british way of putting it
Posted: 2007-12-25 02:32:26
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actually w960's video recorder is 30 or 15 fps? and the phone memory is 128 or 160 mb? moreover can this phone use torch apps like in w810? the camera quality is on par or worse than k810?
happy xmas
Posted: 2007-12-26 11:01:09
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On 2007-12-26 11:01:09, ocean21 wrote:
actually w960's video recorder is 30 or 15 fps? and the phone memory is 128 or 160 mb? moreover can this phone use torch apps like in w810? the camera quality is on par or worse than k810?
happy xmas
"The phone comes with 256 Mb of flash memory with 128 Mb being user-manageable" copypaste from mobile-review.
video is 15 fps, think camera is little bit worse than K810
Posted: 2007-12-26 11:13:28
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On 2007-12-26 11:01:09, ocean21 wrote:
actually w960's video recorder is 30 or 15 fps? and the phone memory is 128 or 160 mb? moreover can this phone use torch apps like in w810? the camera quality is on par or worse than k810?
happy xmas
Sorry about the late reply, didn't see your post.
It records videos at 15 frames per second and the phone memory is 160 MB free out of the 256 MB flash memory (the OS takes the rest). There is an application for this that can also run in the background - it's called QFlash and works perfectly. It's a bit worse than K810's camera.
Posted: 2008-01-04 23:28:46
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fantastic review, makes GREAT reading
Posted: 2008-01-05 10:02:07
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simply awesome mate! one of the best reviews out there...
Posted: 2008-01-22 10:14:42
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Thanks for the link. Thinking to get one next month
Posted: 2008-02-12 02:58:02
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