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> HBH-DS970 - music skips
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I´ve used mine HBH-DS970 with a Qtek 9100, Nokia N95, SE P1i and SE T650i and I have never experienced any skipping.
With the Qtek 9100 I could experience some disturbance, but not with the other phones.
Posted: 2008-01-13 19:42:59
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On 2008-01-13 19:42:59, brorzan wrote:
I´ve used mine HBH-DS970 with a Qtek 9100, Nokia N95, SE P1i and SE T650i and I have never experienced any skipping.
With the Qtek 9100 I could experience some disturbance, but not with the other phones.
i begin to wonder if this is phone dependent.
Posted: 2008-01-17 00:26:42
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It definitely is. I tried with k800, k850 and w950i. Best performance is with w950, followed by k850 then k800... The k800 is really bad... Skips the instant theres some movements (eg. passerby walk past close to you) I think bluetooth signals are programmed by SE people so as not to let cybershot phone override walkman phone's capability so much.
Posted: 2008-01-20 17:34:28
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... well, I have an M600i and a Pocket PC that's been enabled with the A2DP profile. I get no skips or breaks with the M600i but it happens ever so often with the Pocket PC... I always thought it was due to "my upgrade"... my pda is the RX3115... which, out of the box, doesn't support A2DP. i'm referring to the HBH-DS970 headset.
Posted: 2008-02-21 16:10:27
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I use my HBH-DS970 daily with my W950i and it does skip sometimes.
It seems to happen most often when moving one device away from the other, e.g. sometimes when putting the phone back in my pocket it will skip briefly.
The skips are just a short pause for less than 1 second by the way.
Posted: 2008-02-21 17:13:57
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Is FM radio can transferred to DS-970. I am using P1i. I am planning to buy.
Suggestions please
Posted: 2008-09-15 18:40:21
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it's mostly phone-dependent. i currently have an i.Tech BlueBAND R stereo bluetooth headset. whenever it was paired with K610 and W660, music would sometimes skip whenever i place my phone in my pocket. however, it's a totally different experience with the K800. music now rarely skips at all.
Posted: 2008-10-09 02:35:03
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On 2008-02-21 17:13:57, MikLSP wrote:
The skips are just a short pause for less than 1 second by the way.
The same thing happens to me
Posted: 2008-10-10 08:49:58
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The DS970 is very sensitive to the distance to the phone. Try to keep the phone so that there is nothing blocking the radio waves. Keep your phone in a belt case or in a shirt pocket.
Another problem is the phone itself. You will get skipping when pairing the DS970 with older HTC phones. (Newer phones like the TyTN II work very well though.) My TyTN (not TyTN II) will only work well if I apply the
A2DP patch but this patch drains the battery very fast. (The patch installs a service that runs at the lowest processor priority and stops the processor from ever entering sleep/standby and therefor always loading the battery. The service can be stopped and started manually using
Fred's Task Manager.)
Souvenirs, novelties, party tricks.
[ This Message was edited by: AbuBasim on 2008-10-11 06:43 ]
Posted: 2008-10-11 07:41:35
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