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Aware Posts: > 500

Samsung are usually 2GB max(unless SDHC compatible)......

E590 PC Suite:[....]SGH-E590&filetype=SW&language=

Posted: 2008-03-11 19:37:15
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baconnugget Posts: 429

i tried my 4gb micro sd it doesnt work it show the memory card icon seeing it but when u click it in brower it says not allowed
Posted: 2008-03-11 19:58:48
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5nak3 Posts: 364

Thanks a lot aware for the PC suite, as for the memory cards, i found this here[....]/Samsung/E590-memory-cards.asp from what it says the phone will accept up to 2gb card.

And actually if you order of you get a 2gb card with micro and mini SD adapters for £8.99 delivered. Which isn't bad if you need a new card.
I think i may invest in one, i have a 1gb at the moment but my brother has that in his e900.
Posted: 2008-03-11 20:04:56
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baconnugget Posts: 429

2gb work ok, i had a spare so i put that in e590, and the 4gb in my 6500 slide. one thing that does annoy me is u cannot change the shortcut for the joystick pressing down goes to internet.
Posted: 2008-03-11 20:09:00
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5nak3 Posts: 364

heh, it seems as if they want you to waste money by going online funnily the homepage by default is the samsung funclub homepage.

A few interesting tidbits:

When the battery goes down the screen will enter a sort of power saving mode conserving the last bit of battery. When i reaches low / critical the phone will not allow you to play any java games, listen to music or use the camera.

The PC suite posted above is working with no problems on my end

Keypad tones are altered via the volume controls on the left hand side of the phone and cannot be altered by any menu or settings for some reason

Automatic screen lock can be delayed by increasing the amount of time the backlight is on.

Posted: 2008-03-11 21:05:10
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mobilesheep Posts: 1

Installing Java games on the Samsung E590 via USB Cable ! free tutorial here:
Posted: 2008-10-26 16:05:44
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