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General discussions : Rumours : Finally a first real pic of the T68i successor!
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markar76 Posts: 15

R u taking the piss?
Posted: 2003-01-07 21:18:00
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Magic Man Posts: 30

That's just concept artwork though at the moment
Posted: 2003-01-07 21:28:00
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jellyellie Posts: > 500

It's minging. Hell, It's an insult to SonyEricsson!
Posted: 2003-01-07 21:32:00
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anonymuser Posts: > 500

this whole thread is- that phone is no T68, no SonyEricsson- hell, it's no phone at all!
Posted: 2003-01-07 21:37:00
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JwY Posts: 500

if it is,
i think they should make more designs that arent so rectangular!
too many of the new models are boxy in shape and buttons.
Posted: 2003-01-07 22:30:00
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Cytech Posts: > 500

it's not a real phone... the origin of the phone: (Swedish site about MMS, created by the swedish network provider Telia Mobile)

ok, the phone has some similarity with design, but there is no logo.... and the "photos" on is taken from the Flash demo on Telia's MMS site... the one designing the phone has probably have mostly in mind when creating it, but there is also some inspiration from Nokia...

[ This Message was edited by: Cytech on 2003-01-07 21:46 ]
Posted: 2003-01-07 22:43:00
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KidoBorg Posts: 10

I agree completely with Cytech
Posted: 2003-01-07 23:30:00
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Coramoor Posts: > 500

I like the design...
the joystick is missing.. which is bad but.. I like it..
Not that I believe this is the t68 successor..

Posted: 2003-01-07 23:33:00
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Jison Posts: 356

Looks more like T600 than T68i and BTW IT'S UGLY
Posted: 2003-01-08 10:10:00
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jcpsad Posts: > 500

it sucks bigtime!
Posted: 2003-01-08 10:12:00
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