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Maratonmannen Posts: > 500
On 2009-01-19 21:48:52, jurahman wrote:
Thanks Buddy. Worked perfectly for me.
Which one worked perfectly?
I tried in Vista compatibility mode, but with no luck.
Posted: 2009-01-20 17:02:39
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I've already tried most of the upper steps before I stumbled upon this topic. I want to make a small contribution to this guide.
EDIT: scratch the information below. It didn't install properly and I'm looking for another solution right now.
For those who couldn't properly install mrouter (the installer just quits at the startup without any errors), you have to use the universal extractor to extract the mrouter3installer.exe. Then, navigate to the mRouter3Installer\Disk1 subdirectory and delete the "setup.ini" file. Now you can install mrouter properly.
Note that this problem might be x64 specific.
[ This Message was edited by: xanathar on 2009-01-21 14:57 ]
Posted: 2009-01-21 15:53:33
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feierwehrman, it worked for me. No problem at all.
Posted: 2009-01-23 12:51:52
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thanks feierwehrman, for the workaround.
it's true, SE takes a long time to update their software. sometimes I even think
is either dead or dying.
Posted: 2009-01-28 18:58:19
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it doesnt work here for vista so i switch back to xp
Posted: 2009-01-29 16:47:28
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I solved this problem. I'm running XP SP3 in a virtual machine using VMWare Workstation. Using the USB emulation, everything runs flawlessly, upgrading firmware, sync, everything. Pretty easy workaround until they provide support for Windows 7. If you have any Qs, drop me an email, aaron(at)polity.ca
Posted: 2009-02-24 02:40:51
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Thank you so much feierwehrman
Got MyPhoneExplorer working on Windows 7 with my P1i..
On 2009-01-18 23:32:22, feierwehrman wrote:
had the same problem but got it working, at least partial.
as i do not like the suite and use MyPhoneExplorer to sync and stuff i only needed the USB drivers, mRouter and SymbianConnect Runtime.
You can extract the stuff from the Suite Installer from the Sony website but extracting is a LITTLE tricky.
As i am short in time, a short explanation must suffice.
You need: Sony Ericsson Suite from the Sony Ericsson website, orca (its a Microsoft app that comes with Visual studio i think, though there might be other sources or other apps that do the same), Universal Extractor (http://legroom.net/software/uniextract) and finally you need 7zip (www.7-zip.org).
0. read this little help, read it again, maybe again, try it, read the doc again, try again, if it still does not work you may ask questions!
1. use 7zip to extract the original Installer downloaded from Sony
you should get PCSuite.exe and PCSuitex64.exe
2. start Universal Extractor WITH ADMIN RIGHTS to extract PCSuite.exe and PCSuitex64.exe in different directorys. there are different methodes that Universal Extractor can use to extract files. in some cases the first option worked for me, in some cases the second, can remember where to use which, just try, you should get some directorys with files in it.
when extracting pcsuite.exe Universal Extractor will try to launch a setup and fail with some massege that you are using the wrong os, just ignore this, we will fix that soon.
in the directory u extracted pcsuite.exe to should folder with random name and in that folder should be a *.msi file.
same goes for the folder where pcsuitex64.exe was extracted to, subfolder with *.msi in it.
3. Startup orca and open the *.msi from pcsuite.exe. find "Launchcondition" on the left side, delete the last entry on the right side, safe.
4. start Universal Extractor WITH ADMIN RIGHTS and extract both *.msi, the one we just edited and the one from pcsuitex64.exe
you should get a lot of folders and files
5. navigate to where u extracted the pcsuitex64 *.msi to. go deeper down the folder structure to "program files\\Sony Ericsson\\Mobile4\\Drivers2"
here are your x64 symbian drivers, set setup.exe compatibility to Vista, install
6. navigate to where u extracted the pcsuite *.msi to. go to the subfolder "program files\\Sony Ericsson\\Mobile4\\InstSupport"
here u find scruntimesetupxx.exe and mrouter3installer.exe
install both, when installing mrouter you might want to configure it to start with every windows startup.
7. install myphoneexplorer(http://www.fjsoft.at/)
8. if you are using non x64 os you can probably skip everything with the pcsuitex64.exe as you do not need the drivers.
your drivers are in drivers2 subdir from your pcsuite *.msi
9. have phun, be nice, read this help again, GIVE ME MONEY, thx!
ps. i am no englishman, nor from the colonies, i am german blooded, so please excuse me for bad english and a hell of an ugly Bundeskanzlerin
Posted: 2009-06-11 07:25:55
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I have got this to work on WIN7 but sometimes does not load or establish an internet connection, it usually comes right.
Funny this is I have the same issues with XP SP3. I just dont like sony software.
Posted: 2009-06-12 02:40:08
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ive got Windows 7 RC and pc suite works perfectly without any problems...idk if it doesnt work for u , u can always try the compatibility mode
Posted: 2009-06-12 12:56:15
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I'll have to give this a shot as I just upgraded to RC1. Will they ever update PC Suite since UIQ is now gone?
Posted: 2009-06-13 07:59:21
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