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krlosRD Posts: > 500

To change the HOME BUTTONS in MANILA


Ex: for Right soft button-->


Posted: 2009-12-04 02:54:03
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occupied Posts: 99

In the spirit of "put the kibosh on Google" (el reg mobile), i found this to be usewful. It'd simply prevent executable things from, and to be executed in MSPIE.
Thanks. Oh, no, thank the original author - it's always different "learning from other's ideas," which may lead you to true originality and "manipulating someone else's ideas for your own good," which makes you merely a imitator. Bootnote: according to the author, SAGA means Script of Anti Google's Adsie. Bootnote 2: in case you can't take the cab, here's the registry:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\


clikcable elements like hyperlinks or input boxes on MSPIE are by default given 1 pixel border. how to get rid of it? if we're to remove the outline from an anchor for example, we could define in our css: "a { x-focus-border:none; }". however, users might not know where to click on. so we need to deploy another rule: "a:focus { color: white; background: blue }". thanks. you're welcome. bootnote: please don't underestimate the theory as we wasted 20ys of our life for theories in school. without theories we'd have to learn by trial and error, a idiot's method to learn something.

Posted: 2009-12-13 08:09:00
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occupied Posts: 99

i've been just messed up with:



notice that cmcc.bombing? it fits el queida's cyber bully branch, not me.

the culprit could either be (allegedly) leo enforcement officers or Counter Strike fanbois. Bang! Bang! Killafoo: "Fire in the hole! Need backup!" Sergeant Crocodile: "Affirmative. Call 911."

WARNING: that wasn't a tip nor a trick.
Posted: 2009-12-16 19:23:00
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occupied Posts: 99

some do's and don'ts when using opera mini (i was once a heavy user of this browser for three years, so please, this is not a hearsay nor a tale):

1) don't use opera mini if you can. I was living a peaceful, calm online life until I used the browser. good news is, today's smartphones are smart enough to have a decent built-in browser.
2) use the alternative: choices are good, aren't they? if the idea that your data goes through servers run by folks you're unfamiliar with doesn't scare you, here are things that might be interesting: teashark (a java-based proxied mobile browser), skyfire (a proxied mobile browser, "faster" nuff they say), ucweb (a proxied mobile browser), toonel (not a browser, compresses web pages. if that wasn't the address just search for "toonel" or check out this site), google wireless transcoder and bing (not actually browsers. dunno the urls just search something and the returned pages will be formatted to fit your phone. note: bing needs a special treatment - poor baby), skweezer (squeezes web pages, paginates them if necessary. no need a special browser), mowser (ditto with skweezer), vxUtil (sends GET command to servers and returns the first 29.1kb for each html page, suitable for mobile site that's small), PocketPuTTY (PuTTY client for WM box), netcat (yupe, _that_ netcat on WM box).
3) use separate ones, if you have to use opera mini anyway, which different from your daily device and don't keep confidentially sensitive data (that's including PIM, office documents or multimeeja files) on the device in which opera mini is installed.
4) never expose any personal data while using opera mini. consider having a separate email, social meeja, whatever accounts - one for
"real life" use, and one for opera mini. of course, that other device must not easily detectable like some silly spook would've thought. i hate pigheaded foes who ain't utilizing their brains properly as they only waste both their and their subjects' time. what the hell they think we are? idiop like them?
5) since web pages are formatted by opera mini's server before delivered to your device, don't believe in what you're seeing. check them again with another browser in another device.
6) disable front camera (if any) if not frequently used. don't ask me why, just do it!
7) I don't have to be affiliated with mozilla nor another competitors, despite popular belief, to DISLIKE opera. free the (mobile) web!

that's all there's to it. hope it helps not to make your life hard like mine. ahem..

EDITED: I painstakingkly wrote this and have checked for gramaar and speeling, but never make it through bad gus' hands to this thread. sorry.

[ This Message was edited by: occupied on 2010-01-04 07:10 ]
Posted: 2010-01-02 06:08:00
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doministry Posts: > 500

Lol but what happened and made so negative towards OperaMini??

Something specific happened??
Posted: 2010-01-02 15:24:02
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occupied Posts: 99

BUG. IE Mobile incorrectly resizes text whose font size has 7 or more digits eg. 1.2345678px which is made bigger, or 12.3456789px which is made smaller. not a big deal until you encunter sites making use of tag clouds. i've posted screenshots to file share, just search for a user 'occupied' - all lives in this user's locker .

disclaimer: i'm on about IE Mobile 6.8 on WM5. any discrepancy with reality is entirely readers' fault. if the version looks like a prehistoric one for you then please consider the facts that i couldn't afford for newer versions/devices, and i'm using windows mobile only because somebody kicked me out of iphone camp's milist without evar knowing what i've done wrong - just wanna show the world that i can have so much fun with WM too. what's more, i'm a problem finder, not a troubleshooter.
Posted: 2010-01-27 07:41:00
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krlosRD Posts: > 500

@Occupied: are you using a Smartphone or a PocketPC Phone [TouchScreen]?

If you are using a PPC Phone then OperaMini is not for you, Try using Opera Mobile instead.
Posted: 2010-02-04 20:16:49
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doministry Posts: > 500

On 2010-02-04 20:16:49, krlosRD wrote:
@Occupied: are you using a Smartphone or a PocketPC Phone [TouchScreen]?

If you are using a PPC Phone then OperaMini is not for you, Try using Opera Mobile instead.

Hmm, why Opera Mini not
I use it on mine's X1 and no problems like that.
Posted: 2010-02-05 00:21:51
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krlosRD Posts: > 500

@Doministry: if you feel confortable using MINI it's fine!!! But the experience with Opera Mobile on a PPC and touchscreen is more desktop feeling.


After much searching and tinkering I finally found a simple way to disable the annoying balance notification message that arrives after every data connection on the AT&T Pay As You Go service with a data package. This fix involves adding a single registry entry and it suppresses all USSD messages that originate from the carrier, even those that you might request manually.

Here is the registry change:

New value: SuppressUSSD := DWORD(1)

Add this value and (probably after a soft-reset) you will not be bothered with the $0.00 change notification messages...

Posted: 2010-02-17 14:03:31
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doministry Posts: > 500


However Opera Mobile is still a half baked beta....

Posted: 2010-02-17 19:06:18
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