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krazyhaxx Posts: 34

@Anning - The thread that Cyborg is talking about is titled "All about Opera Mini (all versions) ..." you can check it out @

"You might have to decipher a lot of Filipino Lingo to get the whole gist though."
[ This Message was edited by: krazyhaxx on 2009-10-23 16:39 ]

Posted: 2009-10-23 16:25:43
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anningg Posts: 78

@krazyhaxx.i read it but i dont undestand how to make it work
Posted: 2009-10-23 23:01:00
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Excalibur69 Posts: > 500

@krazy et al...
Try ths 1:
set the freesite as ur homepage in ur browser's settings (am talking abt opera) then under network settings place the webproxy like or other webproxies and click home icon, then, that's it.
if u want 3rd party apps (tunneling apps) like toonel, your-freedom, etc. just download it under aquared29's thread. (1st page)
I have not yet tried running operamini on desktop/laptop using JRE but hope this could help your problem in free browsing. It is also capable of downloading. For downloading large files, use those tunneling apps in aquared's thread, it's easy to install and use. Good luck
[ This Message was edited by: Excalibur69 on 2009-10-24 01:19 ]

Posted: 2009-10-24 01:09:56
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litemint Posts: 252

Ok guys, let me share the tricks we are using

[+] the @trick

[+] the dot trick

[+] the CGI trick

[+] the IP Trick

[+] Php / Glype Proxy


Now if any of these tricks works for you, then it can be used in OperaMini4.2 HandlerUI132

It can be put the same manner like this; put these on the HTTP Custom Server textbox

[+] the @trick

[+] the dot trick

[+] the CGI trick

[+] the IP Trick
For this one, we have to put a proxy on your phone settings.

Port: 80

then on the Cust0m HTTP server:

[+] Php / Glype Proxy - Applicable for Opera8.65 and Built in Browser

For this one, we have to put a proxy on your phone settings.
Port: 80

then make a bookmark or enter this address, or

* where is our homepage.

You can check my posts applying those tricks.
Oct 1, 2009 - SE K750 Phone as Modem
[Aug19.09] Downloading/Browsing using Built-in Browser (PH)
Ph (oct 4th) - Smart Network Downloading Using OM42HandlerUI132
[Ph] Smart Network Settings - Bolt150HandlerUI121 by Handler - Oct 10, 2009
Aug25th - New Freshly Proxies

Posted: 2009-10-24 03:50:13
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anningg Posts: 78

@litemint.i tried the ip trick since its the only one i didnt have but i could not download with
Posted: 2009-10-24 08:59:00
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litemint Posts: 252

hmm.. if the ip trick works on you try this. You have to use the OperaMini HandlerUI132 on your phone.
Ph (oct 4th) - Smart Network Downloading Using OM42HandlerUI132

Posted: 2009-10-24 09:32:01
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Cyborg_a0 Posts: 283

follow the links that litemint gave you, download operamini4.2handler132 then the next link is the instructi0n on how to download, you said before that your app exit when downloading, maybe your its on your application setting set the 'Read and Edit data' to 'ask everytime'.
Posted: 2009-10-24 10:35:00
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anningg Posts: 78 do i download big files like 50mb

[ This Message was edited by: anningg on 2009-10-24 12:30 ]
Posted: 2009-10-24 12:29:00
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virusjun2 Posts: 53

Posted: 2009-10-24 12:56:36
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litemint Posts: 252

aning, that om42hui132 can d0wnload 40mb, while the php trick has 90mb i think. its great when u have ur ph0ne set t0 3g for fast d0wnloading.
Posted: 2009-10-24 13:42:24
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