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On 2010-05-31 13:42:50, dizzybee wrote:
I would suggest either ignoring them or agreeing with them. Both will give them much less satifaction than '..no I'm not!'.
At the end of day, you know you aren't gay, emo and all that. You don't need someone to tell you that you are/aren't.
I'm guessing your in year 9? Well, just 2 years and you're out of there. Whether you or they stay there to do sixth form or you or they go to college is not decided yet. Just keep thinking about that.
I hated my secondary school and got bullyed. I was sad to leave as I had some good friends. I had to move schools to do sixth form as my old one didn't have one and had my last day on Thursday 27th May. Now there are some tw*ts in my year, both from my old school and new but I don't care. I've now learned that is doesn't matter what they think. I have made some great friends and was very sad about leaving. My friends are friends with me for who I am and enjoy my company. I just ignore the tw*ts, although they still get on my t*ts.
The tw*ts actually don't bother me at all. Me and my friends all went to the common room after the leavers assembily (where the tw*ts hang out) and the confused look on their faces was priceless. Shortly afterwards they left. Surprisingly I did actually get a bit of bother from someone (know them from my secondary school, they are upthemselves and far to over confident). He said hi to me (I was in the pub at this point, he was on the other side) and then I received a text about me being a sexy beast. I simply replied 'hillarious' and then ignored the next one about some girl wanting me for dessert. Had I of replyed to it they would have carried on. I will admitt to you I was pretty pissed off about it and it put me in a bad mood.
Now I've left I won't have to put up with them anymore. Although I'm very sad about leaving as I've made some great friends and I'm now much happier as a person since stating 6th form. When I started it, it look me a few weeks to make new friends, and I've kept making friends since. Now I would never consider myself popular, certainly not a member of the popular/it people crowd, but I do have a lot of friends
Hope this helps

Any questions please feel free to PM me
Yes i am in yr9. and i REALLY cant wait in 2yrs, though its a long time when u think about it, it defo will be better since people are more mature and there will be more people who have the same taste as me there which is great. its never been serious i never get cyber bullying from them. and i am a member of "the popular/it crowd" and the people who actually bully me, are the people who have no friends, except the first girl i mentioned she also is, but in a different one compared to me "more higher" lets say. i have plenty of friends and its very rarely they say it anymore so, great! because i keep ignoring all of them it gets on my nerves but in the end it gets rarer and rarer and hopefully it will stop completly if i keep ignoring them, and stop doing the silly mistake that i did when i started yr7, instead of ignoring it, i talked back. but ignoring them really helped. I still would never leave, as there my best of friends and i would never leave them, all these ppl who are will end up in a shit 6th form because there dumber than jessica simpson

and me and my friends will end up in a great 6th form hopefully as were not a bunch of idiots who have no knowledge so try to look like they do by bullying when, come on its obvious everyone can just say your stupid to them, there all talk i can say anything to them and they will just say words but ignoring is better.
thanks for the help guys
Posted: 2010-05-31 15:35:11
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yeah as others said just ignore them...
im one of those people who are fairly stress free. How? I have the 'I dont give a rats' attitude... Unless its a matter of importance, something worth while etc etc, I ignore it. I say, 'yeah ok, whatever' (not literally)
if some one talks bout me behind my back. Well, good luck to them. It doesn't make me feel like shi*. Most times its untrue. They aren't benefiting from it at all. And if people are saying things like this about me any way, its obviously coming from people I dont care about. So, things like this dont affect me...
Posted: 2010-05-31 15:46:40
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Well said the right attitude
Posted: 2010-05-31 16:48:00
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thanks for the help guys
Posted: 2010-06-01 16:38:20
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