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Tsepz_GP Posts: > 500

+1 Mizzle.
A great example of a 512mb RAM phone running Android4.0 ICS beautifuly is the Google Nexus S which recently got the Android4.0.4 update. ICS isnt just built with thdm Galaxy Nexus in mind its built with the Nexus S in mind, with its 1GHz single core CPU and 512mb RAM.
Seems Sony are taking the easy way out here by 'passing the buck', im worried for the 2011 Xperia owners, does it mean after they get 4.0.3 Sony will drop without fixing bugs like they did to the X10 after updating it to 2.3.3.
Posted: 2012-03-31 19:35:28
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TeknoBoi90 Posts: 164

in that case they could launch another Gingerbread update (e.g. 2.3.7 ä la Xperia NXT) with improved stability, refined system and all the minor bugs solved, at least one can decide to remain with GB but having the ultimate version... I think that it can't be that difficult
Posted: 2012-03-31 21:04:06
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Bonovox Posts: > 500

On 2012-03-31 19:35:28, Tsepz_GP wrote:
+1 Mizzle.
A great example of a 512mb RAM phone running Android4.0 ICS beautifuly is the Google Nexus S which recently got the Android4.0.4 update. ICS isnt just built with thdm Galaxy Nexus in mind its built with the Nexus S in mind, with its 1GHz single core CPU and 512mb RAM.
Seems Sony are taking the easy way out here by 'passing the buck', im worried for the 2011 Xperia owners, does it mean after they get 4.0.3 Sony will drop without fixing bugs like they did to the X10 after updating it to 2.3.3.

Yes,the Nexus S although buggy alot was very very smooth!!
Posted: 2012-03-31 21:48:47
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mustafabay Posts: > 500

So they make this claim about RAM and the only phones not with 512MB are the P,S and Ion.If the experience is that comprimized then why not at least give the new mid range phones 768MB if you want to differentiate with high end getting 1GB?
Posted: 2012-03-31 23:10:19
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worf1000 Posts: 265

On 2012-03-31 19:03:00, Mizzle wrote:
Sorry to say this, but it's utter BS.

Yes, Android does close activities and services when it's running low on memory. It's always done that, so it's nothing new compared to what you're already using.

Having said that ICS is not the reason why you don't want to upgrade. Sony's customizations, on the other hand, are. A vanilla version of ICS runs beautifully on a phone like the Xperia S, despite its 512 MB RAM limit. ICS is beautiful the way it is. Sony should just stop working on customizing the OS, and use it in all of its beauty.

Also - it's pretty ridiculous that Sony is blaming Google for bad performance when they're using several years old hardware.
[ This Message was edited by: Mizzle on 2012-03-31 18:07 ]

That's your opinion. I like what Sony is doing.
All that fuss about a delay, what are you doing all those day playing phones?
Sony phones are the most balances from all android handset, so play with your Samsung and be happy with it

It's pretty ridiculous you blame Sony.
Posted: 2012-04-01 01:06:20
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iksplusipsilon Posts: 303

When I read this, whole P990i saga flashed before my eyes again! Old habits die hard it seems...

@worf1000: Please, leave fanboy flaming for other sites, thnx!
[ This Message was edited by: theos on 2012-04-01 05:18 ]

Posted: 2012-04-01 06:14:00
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Mizzle Posts: > 500

On 2012-04-01 01:06:20, worf1000 wrote:

On 2012-03-31 19:03:00, Mizzle wrote:
Sorry to say this, but it's utter BS.

Yes, Android does close activities and services when it's running low on memory. It's always done that, so it's nothing new compared to what you're already using.

Having said that ICS is not the reason why you don't want to upgrade. Sony's customizations, on the other hand, are. A vanilla version of ICS runs beautifully on a phone like the Xperia S, despite its 512 MB RAM limit. ICS is beautiful the way it is. Sony should just stop working on customizing the OS, and use it in all of its beauty.

Also - it's pretty ridiculous that Sony is blaming Google for bad performance when they're using several years old hardware.
[ This Message was edited by: Mizzle on 2012-03-31 18:07 ]

That's your opinion. I like what Sony is doing.
All that fuss about a delay, what are you doing all those day playing phones?
Sony phones are the most balances from all android handset, so play with your Samsung and be happy with it

It's pretty ridiculous you blame Sony.

You're right. It is my opinion. And it's the right opinion.

ICS does work on devices with mediocre hardware (read: Sony phones), but all of Sony's customizations are making it a lot more heavy on resources and that's simply not necessary. Also, please cut the crap regarding "playing with my Samsung". I had an Xperia S before you could even get your hands on one.
Posted: 2012-04-01 07:56:07
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Shino03 Posts: > 500

I think this will all depend on the user. I think this Ice cream update will be fine for the non-extensive users. I mean, I only use a few widgets on my Galaxy ace and I also don't use any live wallpaper any more and my galaxy runs smoothly because of that. I also often close any running applications on the background which prevents lag on my phone.

I don't need all of these widgets..

[ This Message was edited by: Shino03 on 2012-04-01 07:25 ]

Posted: 2012-04-01 08:18:10
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etaab Posts: > 500

This is why Sony will never compete with Samsung and HTC and will always be behind the times. Its a reminder of how it was with SE and now Sony alone are continuing the trend.

If i were a 2011 handset owner, i'd go down the other route of getting my own custom version of ICS from teams like Cyanogenmod when they get around to Android 4.
Posted: 2012-04-01 10:19:31
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chunkybeats Posts: 497

im a neo v user and gingerbread is awesome but hearing this worries me. I think I will see how it goes with others if it's not good then im enjoying my phone because what I have noticed is ALL OEMs put bloatware on their roms. which on turn use up previous memory. If I root then surely ICS will run heaps smoother. As for the nexus s comment it's running touchwiz which in all the OEMs. is the hungriest for RAM usage! For me it's a wait and see approach.
Posted: 2012-04-01 12:16:00
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