Sony Ericsson / Sony : Accessories : Sony QX-10 and QX-100 lens style cameras discussion
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> Sony QX-10 and QX-100 lens style cameras discussion
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^ I think the chance is big. Thanks to this invention. Why make thick phones when they can make thin xenon[....]ash-units-in-2014-62220514.htm
Posted: 2013-09-07 20:07:06
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QX100 is out next week here in China. 3500RMB.
I'm trying to resist. I have a Nikon dslr and so don't really need this. I do however need a new practice amp and buying the QX100 will eat my money put to one side for an Orange Tiny Terror.
What I really need is a better paid job I think.
Posted: 2013-09-08 05:32:40
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@Ricky Please save up for the TinyTerror.
Much more valve err. Value for your money.
Posted: 2013-09-08 10:11:36
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Took your advice but went for the Micro Terror instead. Thing thing really rocks for such a small head and cab.
Posted: 2013-09-11 12:04:03
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is it as load as they promised?
Enough for at home, that's for sure.
Keep rocking
Posted: 2013-09-11 15:40:52
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Do you mean loud? Yes it is loud. I've moved it to the balcony so the flat next door don't hear it as much.
It needs juicing up to 8 or 9 before the nice noise start flowing. I'll use it more than a QX100 and it's cheaper.
Sorry to carry on off-topic, but what do you play?
Posted: 2013-09-12 06:44:30
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They are almost the same size
Let's continue through PM
Posted: 2013-09-12 07:35:00
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didn't sony try this whole add on camera idea once before??
Posted: 2013-09-14 16:04:25
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On 2013-09-14 16:04:25, mlife wrote:
didn't sony try this whole add on camera idea once before??
Excellent memory!! That was for.the T68m/i.
Posted: 2013-09-16 07:05:15
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i had one of those! haha.. thought it was the greatest thing ever..
Posted: 2013-09-16 07:13:37
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