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cu015170 Posts: > 500

Samsung should buy it...
Posted: 2015-01-15 01:29:48
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ascariss Posts: > 500

On 2015-01-13 23:54:24, goldenface wrote:
It's hard to believe that Sony, with it's huge media and music heritage will wave goodbye to it's smartphone business. It's smartphones are it's main exposure of the Walkman brand. It would be almost like waving goodbye to Walkman too.

Depends where you are located. In the USA sure most people know walkman through the phones. Probably the same for Europe, but I see people buying standalone walkmans as well, I am one of them, a small minority, but I try to collect as many as I can. The situation is the opposite in Japan for sure, where the Walkman is still selling quite well, might also be the case in some other Asian countries.

There were rumours on here and from other sources that the walkman would die but at this moment it is still going. Sure the lower and mid end range of walkmans have not been updated in europe or elsewhere, only Japan has the S-series for now, if this will cross over to europe, is anyone's guess.

Anyways, as pointed out above, this is similar to the situation with Vaio, which I hope is not the case, since we all know how that ended. For now we know a Z4 will be coming but a Z5?
Posted: 2015-01-18 12:49:00
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Residentevil Posts: > 500

I still have my Sony laptop, Sony Cameras and my trusted Z2. I can't live without my Sony electronics. I hope they stay alive with their mobile devision.
Posted: 2015-02-21 06:27:46
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Supa_Fly Posts: > 500

On 2015-02-21 06:27:46, Residentevil wrote:
I still have my Sony laptop, Sony Cameras and my trusted Z2. I can't live without my Sony electronics. I hope they stay alive with their mobile devision.

^ you've stated consumerism of the capitalists market glee perfectly!

Your Sony devices, neh your gadgets are not:
Next of Kin,
Your children,
nor your significant other,

Your gadgets do not:
Make you money your the family income to survive on (VERY few here can honestly make this claim),
provide nor feed you Food,
provide emotional nor intellectual support nor growth in either (may using smart internet or apps can intellectually),

So I highly can wager you WILL be able to survive without Sony electronics. I have been able to since the demise of the:

Original Sony Walkman WM-AF54 (just before Auto-Reverse debuted; if you have to Google this you're far too young)

The Original Sony 'collapsible' metal Cassette Player, WM-10

* NOTE: As a hint I was 10yrs old rocking this in the day when these where considered HOTTER than any other personal device EVER made! Men making $50K/yr riding a long commute here in Toronto on the TTC would accuse me in the summer that I stole it, being a young black kid, and I'd say "nope I didn't. My pops works at the airport and you damn fools that travel and not go back to pickup your luggage in two weeks, airport staff gets first dibs on anything within. So you're a fool not to claim your goods and it's all legal, so watch yo damn mouth!" This device wasn't even available in N. America for another 2yrs!!

[img]Sony WM-10 Stereo Cassette Player:
" target="_blank" rel="nofollow][....]eImage/true/CIMG8061.JPG[/img]


With prestine headphones that looked so damn futuristic - when everyone else had cheap foam on their ears!

Or the MiniDisc error ... you know that disc shown in the Matrix when near wakes up to Trinity saying "Follow the Rabbit. Knock Knock" sells the data to that mesc-aline addict?
[ This Message was edited by: Supa_Fly on 2015-02-24 00:55 ]

Posted: 2015-02-24 01:47:05
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hihihans Posts: > 500

those were the days . Only two buttons. Play and ff.
Posted: 2015-02-24 10:32:29
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difenbaker Posts: > 500

Sony aims to generate a combined EBIT of JPY247bn from the device, game and entertainment businesses in the financial year ending 31 March 2015 (FYE15). Struggling operations, such as TVs and mobile phones, if they remain within the group, will still have the potential to drag down overall profitability because they face intense competition from Korean and Chinese manufacturers and unfavourable exchange rate impacts. Nevertheless, Sony is separating its various electronics businesses to increase accountability and autonomy, and may consider selling or finding partners for struggling units, though management did not provide any specific timeframe for exiting the unprofitable businesses.[....]/idUSFit91507720150224?rpc=401

... correct me if Im wrong. From how I understand that, if Sony finds a 'partner' to help it with its 'struggling units'... then they wont exit the mobile phone business?


Posted: 2015-02-24 11:24:15
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goldenface Posts: > 500

From what I'm understanding, he wants to each vertical to become more accountable and they're considering spinning off those that can't stand on their own two feet.

They are only considering spinning off Xperia and this might have been said in order to appease their shareholders. No timeframe has been given. However, if they can keep a decent profit margin and focus on high end phones this might work.

The Z series seems to be striking a cord and selling well. Anything below the Z series is up against Xiaomi which will take no prisoners in it's rise to the top.
[ This Message was edited by: goldenface on 2015-02-24 16:24 ]

Posted: 2015-02-24 17:23:30
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cu015170 Posts: > 500[....]rrender-abandoning-the-xperia/
Posted: 2015-02-24 19:14:10
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goldenface Posts: > 500

According to the latest IDC figures for Europe Sony's shipments increased, even though the market shrunk overall making it the fourth biggest vendor in Europe, behind a contracting Microsoft.

If only they could repeat this stateside, it might be a different story.
[ This Message was edited by: goldenface on 2015-02-24 18:19 ]

Posted: 2015-02-24 19:16:55
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difenbaker Posts: > 500

Goodbye Sony mobile: here's why Xperia is facing extinction

Robert Zak
6 days ago

Sony is aiming to be 25 times more profitable by 2018, and a key part of that strategy could be to drop out of the smartphone game - leaving the Xperia family to seek a new home.

Sony CEO Kazuo Hirai predicts $4.2 billion growth for Sony within the next three years, saying that this will be driven by the company's strong-selling games division (led by the PlayStation 4) and cameras. When asked whether TVs and smartphones figured in this plan in a recent interview with Reuters, Hirai said Sony "would not rule out considering an exit strategy" for these divisions - the biggest hint yet that Sony Xperia could be no more.

This isn't the first time Sony has hinted it could sell off the Xperia family, with company officials saying in January that "no business is forever" when discussing the future of its mobile division. Sony has just reported its sixth net loss in seven years, and this has largely been attributed to its unprofitable smartphone division.

Sony's Xperia brand has always been in the shadow of smartphone industry leaders like Samsung and Apple, but is now facing even more pressure from high-quality, low-cost devices from growing Chinese manufacturers, OnePlus and Xiaomi.

There have been no suggestions yet as to who would swoop in to buy the Xperia brand if Sony were to pull out. But considering the critical success of devices such as the Xperia Z3 and the Xperia Z3 Compact - both of which we gave 5-star reviews - we expect there to be several companies out there who will see value in these solid devices.



Why Sony is exiting smartphone business

Sony's decision to no longer pursue sales growth in competitive smartphone business has left many disappointed. But, didn't it seem inevitable as their phones never got the traction like Samsung phones.

According to the company CEO Kazuo Hirai, Sony is no longer pursuing sales growth in highly competitive areas such as smartphones, but aims for 25-fold profit within three years from camera sensors and PlayStation gaming business. "The strategy starting from the next business year will be about generating profit and investing for growth," said Hirai, while not ruling out “considering an exit strategy”.

Sony's exit from the smartphone business will certainly leave a huge gap in the mobile phone industry, which has of late gotten more competitive, especially in terms of price. Back in India, Sony continued to face strong competition from the Korean giant Samsung, and then local brands such as Micromax and Karbonn. Entry of Chinese brands such as Xiaomi only made it tougher for Sony.


[ This Message was edited by: difenbaker on 2015-02-25 06:42 ]

Posted: 2015-02-25 07:41:43
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