Market : Accessories for sale : for sale: sony ericsson branded cds-11 desktop charger!
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> for sale: sony ericsson branded cds-11 desktop charger!
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still available
Posted: 2003-07-21 07:09:47
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CrunchinJelly, If you mean the little rope thingy I got with my P800 you can have mine as I don't use it, tell me where to send it.
Posted: 2003-07-22 01:24:03
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On 2003-07-22 01:24:03, Orn8one wrote:
CrunchinJelly, If you mean the little rope thingy I got with my P800 you can have mine as I don't use it, tell me where to send it.
If you still have the little rope thingy, plz pm me
you have a pm regarding the desktop charger
Posted: 2003-07-25 22:18:52
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m lookin for this item...unfortunately m from the philippines..
Posted: 2003-09-02 10:39:05
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