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> Nokia at cebit..also triband !
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Jason,.no, it will probably only be the 9210 and 7650 right now with colorscreens.
I dont know about the 8310 style model with 65000 colors,..it should come along,..but maybe not untill later.
If someone wonder where their replies are,..I removed them, because they didnt have anything to do with Nokia, and this is the "Other manufacturers" forum
And this Topic is on Nokia, not Sonyericsson.
Posted: 2002-03-09 15:59:00
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There are pull-down menus on the nokia website right portion of the screen. But why would u want a nokia3000 series? Isnt it u have top of the line ericsson phone already? U will be downgrading. :-)
This post was posted from a T68
Posted: 2002-03-09 16:06:00
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Yep, I have T65 and it's the best!!!
But I want 2 see what models will Nokia brig 2 compare with SE!!!!!
Posted: 2002-03-09 16:14:00
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There are pull-down menus on the nokia website right portion of the screen. But why would u want a nokia3000 series? Isnt it u have top of the line ericsson phone already? U will be downgrading. :-)
This post was posted from a T68
Posted: 2002-03-09 16:17:00
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Nokia 3000 series is probably at level with ericsson 3618, sir, your t65 or a t66 is on higher level. :-)
This post was posted from a T68
Posted: 2002-03-09 16:24:00
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This is... astounding - no colour screen phones unveiled (9210 and 7650 are PDAs and don't count
). Interesting that the 3510 has MMS yet no colour screen, and the 3410 has downloadable games like the Z700 yet no colour screen. Have Nokia been asleep for two years?
Posted: 2002-03-09 16:56:00
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no, nokia has just been waiting for ericsson to jump ship
and since that hasn't happened, they're panicking now.
Posted: 2002-03-10 07:04:00
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I would have to say that Nokia is definately behind the times with the colours screens but maybe they doubted the way a colour screen phone could have such a good standby / talktime. It's quite clever the way the T68 makes use of the screen and is quick to first turn off the lights and then goto to the screensaver which because of the black background uses very few pixels (clever) its going to be interesting to see the change in standby time due to the new chooseable screen savers.
If any one has two spare T68's about
(come on there must be someone) then after the mms upgrade try fully charging both phones setting one with the normal clock saver and one with a plain white saver and see the difference in standby times there DEFINATELY will be - but it'll be interesting to see. I reckon that if the phone will do 10 days if untouched (AT ALL!) then it'll be reduced by at least 2 days. what do you guys think?
Posted: 2002-03-10 08:19:00
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Heard that there will be all in all six new phones from Nokia at wednesday. There will be presented at Nokia.com at 11.30am.
Posted: 2002-03-11 13:37:00
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This is... astounding - no colour screen phones unveiled (9210 and 7650 are PDAs and don't count ). Interesting that the 3510 has MMS yet no colour screen, and the 3410 has downloadable games like the Z700 yet no colour screen. Have Nokia been asleep for two years?
You guys will shiver soon....
Posted: 2002-03-11 14:21:00
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