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Maybe its for the times when you are away from your pc but a train i dont know
Posted: 2002-04-14 22:51:00
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Ha, something original.. PORN on a MOBILE, fantastic...!!! My mayes will like this.. Better then those fantastic B&W LITTLE NOKIA logos...!!
Nokia DISconnecting people
Posted: 2002-04-14 22:57:00
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I suppose it is different to have actual colour porn pictures on your mobile screen.
But a tip for all if you surf the virtual wap porn!!!
You can download Virtual kleenex from the ericsson site. Just log on from your fone and your away!!!
Make sure when some asks to borrow you fone to make a call its not sticky, how do you explain that to your nan?!!
You are sittin on the train looking at mobile porn & the girl of dreams sits down beside you. You sit surfing with a great stonking hardon, she wont know what you are looking at. She will think you are gettin a hardon from the vibration or something, she'll soon move to another seat!!
Posted: 2002-04-15 21:46:00
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Porn on the mobile sounds totally useless.. I don't see the point! Get a girlfriend!
Posted: 2002-04-15 21:50:00
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Calm yourself!! its just abit of fun. Have a liedown you feel much better. Trust me im a Doctor.
Posted: 2002-04-15 21:54:00
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LOL, wiCked iDea, porn on ur fone... What will they think of next... Quite funny showing other people 2, just dont let ur GIRL c...

Nice way to waste some time, the SEX game is good2...!
Posted: 2002-04-17 18:07:00
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re: wap.wapsexy.com
I have a T68 on Orange and I am using the ericsson wap to connect to wap.wapsexy.com but it connects then says loading but then after 1:09 mins it disconnects me....I can load the pages with Orange wap but it will not display the images....I can connect to esato and d/load and view images using the ericsson one so I know it is working...does anyone have any ideas? It driving me nuts..
Posted: 2002-05-07 13:38:00
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