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Ne0 Posts: 353

@volvoman That is to take it a little too long out.. It is like someone stole my wallet in finland..and i never will boughy smirnoff again.. This message was posted from a T610
Posted: 2003-10-01 13:45:56
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swiZZ Posts: 81

The p800 is half japanese. Just call it a sony and keep it... Sorry for what happened to u This message was posted from a T610
Posted: 2003-10-01 14:07:17
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london-uk Posts: 214

In response to sonyericssonman's crude comment:

"I think you should close your mouth a little bitt.. "

First of all, I was merely stating that if Volvoman was still interested in a swap, I would like to see for myself that the phone is legitimate. I would ofcourse also provide documentation which shows that the 7650 in question is legally my property. This would seem to be a fairly standard form of conduct, within the sale or exchange of goods. I was not calling Volvoman's integrity into question, and I do sympathise with his plight.

Secondly, can I suggest to sonyericssonman that he minds his own business, and refrains from posting such juvenile and irrelevant messages. In summation, sonyericssonman - get a life. You might also want to consider taking lessons in order to improve your language skills.

Yours sincerely
Posted: 2003-10-01 17:37:54
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Dan1984 Posts: 161 he wasn't actually talking to you
Posted: 2003-10-01 17:54:15
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london-uk Posts: 214

Apologies, my mistake. All a misunderstanding.
Posted: 2003-10-01 18:05:15
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pachy Posts: > 500

Being the victim of a crime can be an emotional experience, but when it happens in another country it can make you feel incredibaly vulernerable. best not make a whole nation pay for one criminals actions, ALL countries have car thieves, my friends brand new Harley got knicked outside a Hotel in Holland recently. they often steal holidaymakers vehicles because it make the crime harder to solve & the theives can get away with it easier.
The trick is, NEVER leave anything in a car you cant afford to loose, & remember cars get taken all the time, the Police arent that bothered about it, as often no body is hurt & they may have just spent the day at a nasty road accident or dealing with a murder scene, making your lost car seem unimportant to them.
I'm interested to know how they took it though as most cars now have alarms & imobilizers, i hope you were well insured & sorry it happened to you, as often on a touring holiday alot of personal stuff has to be carried around in the car, making it a bit of a nightmare.
Posted: 2003-10-02 03:10:40
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wapchimp Posts: > 500

B4 I read the thread I thought you must be crazy.

I see your point. But aren't you over-reacting a little?

You shouldn't hate one country & all its people/products because one drug addict took all your stuff.

That could have happened anywhere. Would you hate all english people if they nicked from you?

I have been burgled before 3 times. Probably by the same people, as they knew when I wasn't home & it all happened on the same day of the week.

btw if I had a 7650 I would swap it.
Posted: 2003-10-02 03:49:40
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BlackBauer24 Posts: > 500

Sorry to hear about your loss but... WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD. This message was posted from a P800
Posted: 2003-10-02 08:15:35
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fatreg Posts: > 500

Back to the original thread,

i have me a almost brand new 7650 is 8 days old at the mo!

will happily swap it for another P800,

where abouts are you in this lovely country known as the UK??

hope to hear from you soon


Posted: 2003-12-03 21:34:53
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*Jojo* Posts: > 500

Whaaaaaaaaaat ??? You'll be swapping/trading your SE P800 to a Nokia 7650 -are you out of your mind, mate ??????????????????????????????????????? Well, better think here again OK. I used to own 2 Nokia 7650s, and God, I really loved it, but now settled to a Nokia 9210, less features, but comes in handy with it is being used with my office works. The other party should add a liitle perhaps more cash to your P8 mate, it's just like a shot in the head if you'll just trade it directly I tell you. Don't settle for anything less, unless, if it's a SE P900, Nokia 6600 or a Nokia 9210i.
Posted: 2003-12-03 22:10:29
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