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Universal Exports Posts: > 500

But at least have put out warnings and admitted they had made faulty chargers. They didn't just say "that's not our chargers" or "the company we hired to make them did it" but they said "We made a mistake, we would like to sort it out. Bring us the dangerous chargers to us and you'll get a new safe one.". Now wich of the examples are best?
Posted: 2003-11-08 22:01:28
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vinnieza Posts: > 500

@ Decoy7, here's a link that says nokia's original batteries explode (not just the non-nokia ones):

Hope this helps

edit: for those on wap:

On 2003-11-08 16:13:29, SnowBear wrote:

well actually itīs the battry and nokia allways blamed pirate copys but now some belgian testing team have proof that original batterys from nokia missing a fuse and if short circuit occur the batterys reach 130 degreeīs and literally blow up !!

* No questions asked *

[ This Message was edited by: vinnieza on 2003-11-08 21:15 ]
Posted: 2003-11-08 22:12:14
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MaThIbUs Posts: > 500

SE chargers can explode too, especially in the UK... Just to put things in contrast ;-) This message was posted from a T300
Posted: 2003-11-08 22:16:03
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vinnieza Posts: > 500

I haven't got an charger that explodes, lucky me

* No questions asked *

[ This Message was edited by: vinnieza on 2003-11-08 21:30 ]
Posted: 2003-11-08 22:29:42
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Universal Exports Posts: > 500

If you had had you wouldn't have it any more would you?
Posted: 2003-11-08 23:15:26
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decoy7 Posts: > 500

i still have my SE charger, they've failed to supply a new one...i have about 3 spare but thats besides the point, i called not long after the press release and its still failed to show up.
Posted: 2003-11-08 23:30:16
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sn3ipen Posts: > 500

faced the problem and changed all their dangerous charger.

Try this link

It is in norwegian but it says that The three months old nOKIA 3510i with ORIGINAL battery whas melting while she whas sleeping. and this is true cuz this link is from norways biggest newspaper.

Nokia is so unserius that they whont tell the thruth and do something about it.


This is my post number 100

[ This Message was edited by: t610 owner on 2003-11-08 22:33 ]
Posted: 2003-11-08 23:31:56
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Universal Exports Posts: > 500

Tou see, original battery. Shame on you mr. Michael Smirnoff" (He was the one from nokia who went out with the press realese that said "it's only pirate batterys that explode")
Posted: 2003-11-08 23:44:24
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justarumour Posts: 11

Just as I thought. Not a single reply of any worth. Not a single valid counter argument.

I know it's hard for you blinkered SE fanatics to comprehend, but sometimes the truth is hard to swallow. You just CANT argue with the figures.

Deal with it.

Posted: 2003-11-09 00:54:23
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Universal Exports Posts: > 500

Se was started two years ago when Ericsson realised that they were doing very bad. How can you suppose a company that people still think make the same phones Ericsson made to be doing well. Se is as I said on the way to the top and nokia is going down. Of course in statistics nokia is still on top but I think that with companies that sell services it is the customers opinion that matters. And I think that there are going to be a lot more people who change from Nokia to next year than the other way around (espicially after thier exploding chargers that they're trying to denie).
Long live Sony Ericsson!
Posted: 2003-11-09 01:08:11
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