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> 6230 Review at Mobile-Review
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The mp3 player is a software kit,so yes,it's included in the phone's menu. Why don't u use the link the 1st poster provided, so u can learn other useful things?;-)
This message was posted from a T610
Posted: 2004-01-18 03:02:02
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hehehe! I'm just so happy after reading it
"The phone cannot be called light, its weight is concentrated in the phone’s small shape, you can actually feel it. Perhaps the fact that the phone is not balanced, upper part (where the speaker is located) is hollow, meanwhile starting from the speaker the mass increases, is the one to blame."
"The phone has inborn defects as well, they will not be fixed with time, one of them is the squeaky panels, their overall disorder. "
"The interface's problems will not be fixed in the nearest future, that's why you should keep this in mind in case you are looking forward buying this model. The low recording speed to MMC card is a disadvantage as well. ."
Posted: 2004-04-24 10:17:14
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Hi all!
I bought an 6230 to my father last week, after checking the market I regard it as the best phone right now(my father dosen't need an smartphone).
And yes the menu-system realy crappy, and I didn't like the keypad, but no other phone can offer the same functionality, I tried to make him wait for the K700 but when he heard it lacked ability to use mem-card I don't think he would choose a K700 even if it was avaible
This is the first time after the r520 launch I recommended someone to buy something else than ericsson (and funny enough he was replacing his r520:) ).
I'm hoping for an K700i with SD-capability! but I guess that if it gets any memcard it will be an memstick (and its an outrage that the z1010 can't use memstick pro!).
Thats my 2 cents,
Posted: 2004-04-24 10:38:24
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i just brought the 6230, it looks like a very good phone although i have not yet had the chance to take a look at it. i would reccommend it to pplz who like small phones though as it is very small
Posted: 2004-04-24 11:58:59
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hey, recently i saw this phone in a shop here in bahrain, to be honst it felt allot like a 7250i whe i played around with it, and was going for 170bd, wich is around 250 pounds, sorry my conversion isnt accurate but pretty close, so dont seem go value for money
Posted: 2004-04-24 12:05:28
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the new elements on the interface of the 6230 seems to be a lame-ass copycat of
's interface (press-able d-pad and grid menu) with such a small screen and lousy use of colors and backgrounds.
Posted: 2004-04-26 04:57:35
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Eldar has updated this review. I have posted an extract in
this thread
Posted: 2004-04-26 05:07:19
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