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> MCA-20 camera
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In my country the price only about USD150.
This post was posted from a T68i
Posted: 2002-05-04 12:12:00
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Id like one.. but dont wanna pay sooooooo much for it
Still.. ill use my super digital camera instead.
Posted: 2002-05-06 02:36:00
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can you connect this camera to the pc and manage the photo's from there~/? are they full size ? whats the quality like?
Posted: 2002-06-01 18:53:00
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the pic can be of any size on ur com ... ehhehe ... you can resize.. but the quality can not compare with the normal digital cam ...
Posted: 2002-06-01 18:57:00
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In my country it is......actually better not tell - will put arroy out of business
Posted: 2002-06-01 19:33:00
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i want one but i live in france .how can we do ???????
Posted: 2002-06-08 01:12:00
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Guess what here in Greece vodafone are giving the MCA-20 cam together with the T68i for free!!!! The cam alone goes for 170 Euro here in Greece,but if you guys cant get it in your country then i suggest you get it from Arroyotje
Posted: 2002-06-10 15:42:00
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I have one and highly recommend them, Vodafone are offering them at £129 or £199 with t68i and new subscription
Posted: 2002-06-13 13:41:00
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In my country its ONLY 135$ and this is a set price all over UAE except at the SC its much more expensive but at other authorized dealers like axiom and virgin mega store its only 135$
Posted: 2002-06-13 13:48:00
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vsnake: I've seen it for AED450 at the service centre...
Posted: 2002-06-13 14:12:00
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