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Any one got any ideas on how you make the bluetooth work on the e616?
It doesn't seem to have fully functional bluetooth, and only looks/connects to headsets?
Can this be resolved???
p.s.... 3g phones are the way forward!!
Posted: 2004-04-08 13:07:43
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I think I;ve read that the bluetooth on the e616 will only work with headsets and for connecting to the internet from a laptop but thats where the features end. More things like Outlook syncing can be achieved through the USB data cable though.
I've just got one of these on contract and it should be here in the next few days. I've also just ordered a 128mb Sony Duo stick off eBay for a reasonable price so I can listen to mp3s which is a pretty neat feature.
Does anyone know when the full GPS feature will be implemented for planning and monitoring car journeys etc?
Posted: 2004-05-04 14:12:49
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Hello- this site is real cool!!
can someone tell me how to install java games onto the E616?
I jsut got it and i got all these games in JAR format etc. I can put it on to the phone via the transfer program as 'other files' but i cant seem to run it as a java application.
Thanks !
Posted: 2004-06-10 10:55:08
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The easiest and free way to get games on your NEC616 is to make a website, put java games on it and then access the site fom your phone and download then that way. From memory the games cannot be bigger than 20k, but try it anyway just to be sure.
So you just have to have them as links on your site that you can click on and the phone will save them.
Let me know how you go. Feel free to send me your site. I will try and find the address of the one that I used to use, just not sure where it is
Posted: 2005-06-21 05:53:15
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