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allexdos Posts: 184

Rubbish, the V70 is very solid and most of the body is in metal you fool!! The buttons are very good and satin like and it looks a million dollars. The screen is nice but a bit too small! You cant compare the phone to your T68i!!
Posted: 2002-05-23 13:04:00
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Super G Posts: > 500

Quote:allexdos said:
Rubbish, the V70 is very solid and most of the body is in metal you fool!! The buttons are very good and satin like and it looks a million dollars. The screen is nice but a bit too small! You cant compare the phone to your T68i!!

Well, the inner part is definitely plastic, too plastic. It looks cheap to me that's it. If you mean the case is metal, I believe you but it didn't feel like it's metal.
And the design is unpractical. I don't like phones that require 2 hands to be operated.
And of course, I can't compare it to T68i. I have no T68i
But there is no Nokia phones to choose from, so I picked this one
Posted: 2002-05-23 16:12:00
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allexdos Posts: 184

You can open it with one hand actually and it looks really kewl when you do it! It doesnt feel cheap at all, very solid! Just a small display but nice touch to it. You probably been messing with a dummy v70 where the casing maybe of inferior quality!
Posted: 2002-05-23 20:02:00
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JohnM Posts: > 500

V70 looks crap, T100 looks nicer. Motorolas suck anyway, prefer a couple of tins and some string to make calls on than a motorola haha This post was posted from a WAP device
Posted: 2002-05-23 20:24:00
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KEDGE Posts: 22

Had V70 for 1 hour and took it back and got the T100 under the 14 day agreement.

The t100 in my opinion is far better than the V70 and i hate to say the T68i (which i also had for a day).

It is user friendly , looks the business and sounds cool.

Okay it may not have all the features of the T68i but i don't need half of them so the T100 is my choice.

But everyone has a different view and this is my own....

Posted: 2002-05-26 16:46:00
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allexdos Posts: 184

How does the T100 battery life fair?
Posted: 2002-05-26 18:10:00
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KEDGE Posts: 22

Well i am using the slim battery of the 2 supplied and i am on the 2nd day today and the meter has not moved. Must say though done mainly sms than calls(only made about 10 mins of calls).
But seems good and i'm well pleased with this phone.

Posted: 2002-05-26 19:06:00
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Deltayoda Posts: > 500

Quote:Women, on the other hand do not like the design as the shape reminds them of the female figure LOL!

Ok, no V70 for me then

Women love my T68i though
Posted: 2002-05-27 07:09:00
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allexdos Posts: 184

Women love my dick as well as my T68mi!
Posted: 2002-05-30 22:06:00
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mhorton Posts: > 500

Got to be the T100
Posted: 2002-05-31 00:24:00
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