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uglydad Posts: 180

I've got T-Mobile MMS! I think the £20 a month is a bargain, that includes GPRS subscription and MMS seems to work really well! Maybe it's not the best time to launch technology but at least it's out there and by xmas when there will be big sales T-Mobile users may have other people to send MMS too!
Posted: 2002-06-07 10:07:00
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Richie1 Posts: 1

£20 relates to around 300 MMS's or 0.5p per kilobyte. The equivalent for 300 SMS's is £30....... Still think its a rip-off ??

T-Mobile are the first to launch MMS in the UK which was done on the 1st June 2002

Anyone slagging off T-Mobile e.g. "T-crappy mobile" have some sour grapes that the netowrk they are with hasnt done it yet .

One2One used to be the last to launch products and services. T-Mobile are not making the same mistake these days....... one 2 watch in my opinion

[ This Message was edited by: Richie1 on 2002-06-14 15:52 ]
Posted: 2002-06-14 16:51:00
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duncanb99 Posts: 137

o2 has just selected its MMSC supplier - Nokia.

They say they will launch MMS 'in autumn'.
Posted: 2002-06-24 18:24:00
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dennis58 Posts: 20

Here in norway we have had mms for some months now...
Posted: 2002-06-24 18:29:00
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lazarini Posts: > 500

yes it is a ripp off in england !!!! 20 pounds thats my phone bill for the whole month here in slovenija i have a buissnes supscription and enabled gprs amd also two numbers (als) !!!!!

u got robbed there m8
Posted: 2002-06-24 18:54:00
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lingart Posts: 89

wouldnt say we were robbed but standard of living is cheaper in slovenia.. thats all I mean not being rude but how much do you earn per month on average compared to a UK person?

Just relatives all the way around if you know what I mean?

I mean most professionals in UK wouldnt get out of bed for less than £20 an hour. well maybe not strictly true but Im sure you know what im tugging at here.
Posted: 2002-06-24 19:00:00
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evoke Posts: > 500

@peanut autumn may be the best time of the year to release new technology but probably not when one of your main competitors has launched already and everyone who are buying mms phones are going to them instead. ;-) Ed This post was posted from a T68i
Posted: 2002-06-24 19:06:00
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bradmax57 Posts: 146

On 2002-06-24 19:00, lingart wrote:
wouldnt say we were robbed but standard of living is cheaper in slovenia.. thats all I mean not being rude but how much do you earn per month on average compared to a UK person?

Just relatives all the way around if you know what I mean?

I mean most professionals in UK wouldnt get out of bed for less than £20 an hour. well maybe not strictly true but Im sure you know what im tugging at here.

Correct I wouldn't get out of bed for that ha ha joking aside I think £20 at the moment is too much, I think it should be free to begin with, like Orange first did with WAP until more people can access it, as I only know 3 people who have a MMS capable phone I would find myself better off sending pictures directly from my phone and MCA20 (when I get it) through the email client built into the phone (if this can be done of course as I dont know cause iI aint got the MCA20 yet)
Posted: 2002-06-25 16:35:00
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ban01tgaz Posts: 5

Singlepoint are to go live in 1/4 4 of 2002. priced @ £20.00 for 10MB of space + own e-m@il address (i.e. fgor full uk pop3 e-m@il & mms
Posted: 2002-07-13 17:50:00
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tuttut Posts: 2

Yeah and so does T-mobile.

you get email an all


And!!!!! you can sent them from
also created a mailbox (as long as you are reg'd on there ) to store them there by sending them to 777, get Free MMS from the gallery and send them to who ever.
also has a PMcollect service for people that do not have PM

and even create an alias address by calling 1960 from the T-Mobile.

Posted: 2002-07-14 19:20:00
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