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Sony Ericsson / Sony : Tips and tricks : Dialling a landline number using your cellphone
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Taimur Posts: 15

already tried it here in Pak doesn't work with the pay phones here either

Posted: 2002-06-13 06:57:00
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wrlee Posts: 13

For this to work, your land-line LL phone system must support DTMF (dual-tone, multiplic frequency) AKA TouchTone dialing. Old systems use the make/break system (simulated by hitting, rapidly on the hang-up button). I think some parts of the world use slightly different DTMF frequencies. Also, if the LL phone mic is not sensitive enough or you dont get the earphone of the cell close enough to the handset...

It should work anywhere in the US, at least. It is also useful when calling your touch tone answering machine from a foreign country to the US when you cant find a compatible touch tone phone.


[ This Message was edited by: wrlee on 2002-06-16 04:58 ]
Posted: 2002-06-16 05:53:00
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JoJo Posts: 5

1. in order for the phone to be locked it has to be a rotary phone.
2. if it is a rotary phone it means it's a pulse system and not dtmf
3. if it is not dtmf, then what's the point in sending dtmf tones with your cellphone.

Thank you for your piece of info though,
Just letting you know that it wouldn't work unless your country still uses rotary (very ancient),

Posted: 2002-07-03 07:05:00
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arunmr Posts: 73

@ jojo
almost all phones now in metropolitan cities like bombay are tone phones and not pulse. however, a physical lock (as in lock & key) on the keypad of phones can prevent you from dialling a number... hard to believe, but people & some shops actually physically lock their keypads so that numbers can't be dialled.... this would then be useful in that case.
anyway thanks for replying and the info...
- arun

Posted: 2002-07-03 21:15:00
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Ten98 Posts: 5

Some supermarkets have a telephone where you can phone a taxi for free. These phones will usually have one button (which dials the number of the taxi company) and will be connected to a non secure line. If one were to use a tone keypad on this phone, one could make any phone call for free. This is just one of many places where a tone pad can come in handy.
Posted: 2002-07-04 06:12:00
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