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> Motorola V3 RAZR review
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I thought yours was pretty good and because of that its kind of knocked the wind out of my sails a bit (similar pics etc) so I've put off finishing and posting mine
I'm still luvvin' this phone and now its become my primary phone with K700 as the secondary...
Posted: 2004-11-08 12:27:02
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@jiggyjaggy - Nice presentation dude! I like the looks of the Golf game . . .
Posted: 2004-11-08 15:57:34
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jiggyjaggy very nice review
Posted: 2004-11-08 15:58:54
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Cheers guys. Let me know if there is anything you would like added to my review of the P910 which will be pretty comprehensive. The golf game has great cartoon graphics but the billiards game on the phone is highly addictive!
Posted: 2004-11-08 16:53:35
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hey jiggyjaggy
i have a motorola v3 on vodafone...on the phones web browser i can access hotmail - (msn.mobile.com), however when i try and access a particular e mail, im immediately logged out...once relogged in, the relevant e mail is displayed but every time i want to view another e mail or reply etc, im logged out again...how is your hotmail access perfect?...am i doing something wrong?g
Posted: 2004-11-22 22:47:46
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Couple of questions... How much can you do with the phone closed? For example:
With the phone closed can I?
1) Answer and talk with my BT headset?
2) Dial a number from my from my PocketPC using Running Voice GSM software and xfer the call to my BT headset?
Both of these procedures I use extensively with my T68i. It would be really cool if I could do this without having to open the RAZR.
I also read that the address book will use one entry per phone number per contact?! This can't be true, no?
[ This Message was edited by: diego_c_alonso on 2004-12-28 03:16 ]
Posted: 2004-12-28 04:09:55
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1. Yes of course! You have voice tags and calls are transfered to headset when connected as usual.
2. Not a clue, sorry.
RE Phonebook. I donīt know, i have 217 contacts according to Outlook sync dialogue, now a lot of those contacts have 2-3 phone numbers but i havenīt hit the ceiling yet anyway..
Posted: 2004-12-28 07:32:00
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The Razr v3 is a very nice looking phone, with good display, and a great camera, a bit to lite wich causes this phone to break, ive heard from numerous att/cingular stand that there are several re-calls, so if you are a kid thats gonna spend alot of money to get a nice phone dont get this one its just alot of trouble, trust me i loved this phone also untill it broke on me.
Posted: 2004-12-29 05:39:23
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Dragonfly_TP Posts: > 500
I don't have many comments.
Exelent review!
The 5mb memory is not enough...
Yes the keys press on the screen and it stains, but it does not scratch, there is rubber around the keys, so you can feel the different keys and avoid pressing 2 at the same time.
About switching profiles when the phone is closed. I remember the V300, V500 and V600 have this feature too.
Posted: 2004-12-29 08:17:13
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The 5MB is pretty poor seeing as similar aged phones such as 6230 and k700i have 40mb plus and in the case of the 6230 expandable, but they are alot bigger phones.
The profiles one is a characteristic one of Moto phones, and is very handy. Shame you cant do what i could with my old V60i which was read SMS with the flip closed. That was such a cool little feature! lol
Posted: 2004-12-29 11:35:07
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