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> Z500a review
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I'm having a dilemma, I was with ATT, but me and my GF (on fam plan) switched over to cingular because she gets a discount there on the main line.
I thought we'd have more of a phone selection now that both are merged... but if I remember correctly there were maybe twice as many phones listed on the ATT site then the cingular site
I've had my beloved T637, and it is locked. Could get it unlocked if I wanted to ship it to come other city and wait, but figured I'll see what Cingular has. Wanted to go flip this time anyways, but the Z500a has NO BLUETOOTH?!?!?! Bluetooth should be standard on all phones :''''(
also there seems to be an excessive border around the inside display...
I wish the K700 would make it to stores here already, I don't want to buy an international phone that doesn’t support the 800/850 bands
Posted: 2004-12-28 22:16:40
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one problem that people are finding is a way to adjust the contrast.. it seems non-existant the option, but is it a fw difference or just not there at all?
Posted: 2005-02-03 16:53:34
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Hi Everyone,
I'm new to Esato. Getting back to the Z500a, I am enjoying the expanded memory, and the MP3 ringtones compared to my T616, but the lack of bluetooth issue is now proving a problem. The USB cable does not help as I have a Mac and the driver workarounds are not working. So no DCU-11 driver for Mac. That said, I am now regretting the purchase of this handset. So Mac users be warned: Do not fall for the current promotions on the Z500a. Cingular/ATT is just trying to unload inventory.
It's truly a shame, this phone would enjoy a little popularity if it had some bluetooth, and some Mac support. Now I have noticed that the SE website does not even show the Z500 on its site anymore.
Posted: 2005-02-21 07:04:13
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Hello there? Welcome to Esato!
This message was posted from a T230
Posted: 2005-02-21 07:17:52
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I like very much this phone, but still don't arrive to my country!!
i'm from Chile!!
Posted: 2005-05-12 11:18:07
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I would say the DSS-25 is the way to go with data cables. (Since the DCU-11 doesn't work for me nor anyone.) I'm waiting for my DSS-25 (
info) to come in the mail. Save up around $40 for one on
EBAY . There are no copies of it (so you always get the right cable) and are less complaints. This product may not be cheap, but I'll tell you later if I have sucess.
FYI- I have the z500a too. DON'T GET THE DCU-11 DATA CABLE!!!!!!!
PC and phone customizer.
[ This Message was edited by: buddugan on 2005-06-26 07:37 ]
[ This Message was edited by: buddugan on 2005-06-26 07:39 ]
Posted: 2005-06-26 08:33:19
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