General discussions : Product reviews : iMate JAM Review.
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> iMate JAM Review.
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same thing, just different branding.
Posted: 2005-01-29 02:14:15
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amnesia i dunno where you bought your imate jam, but mine is opposite of what you have said, my screen is clear and bright, and you do no you can adjust the brightness, and plus i have gotten 2 days on standby plus with more than 3 and a half hours talk time on it, try beat that with a p910 or p900?
Posted: 2005-01-29 02:33:54
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I get around 3-4 days on my P910 with moderate usage.
I do know you can adjust the brightness. When I use my PDA I use it to the extent that it should be used, not just to make a few phone calls though.
I bought the iMate version and not a version through a network.
Posted: 2005-01-29 20:05:14
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Absolutley fab mate!
Nice pics as well
Posted: 2005-01-30 11:07:28
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Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Masseur do a review on this. He's had one for some time now.
I couldn't find the review that I was talking about. Sorry, my mistake.
Without it...
Everything else is irrelevant.
With it...
Everything else is irrelevant!
[ This Message was edited by: CrackerJack on 2005-01-30 10:26 ]
Posted: 2005-01-30 11:19:33
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He mentioned that he had an iMate, and actually was the first to post a little report when it was first coming out. Not a review though.
Thanks for the nice comments.
I try to take as much pics as possible. Because I know that people love pics pics pics.
(side note: Oxygen Mobile Shop updated with cheaper phones)
Posted: 2005-01-30 14:41:38
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Maybe make some pics with opened keyboard? Btw - great designed phone
Posted: 2005-01-30 18:01:31
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does it have a keyboard, I didn't think it did?
Posted: 2005-01-30 19:10:37
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um no it doesn't have a keyboard...
Unless you mean the virtual keyboard.
And that is exactly like any other pda.
Posted: 2005-01-31 21:23:53
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Woooooohoooooooo got one myself, very good looking device. Very stable and fast! I'm impressed
Posted: 2005-02-06 23:27:20
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