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> Microsoft Windows-powered PDA-camera phone, any ideas?
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i use an iMate JAM.
(despite its constant freezing)
Posted: 2005-01-16 00:59:49
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amnesia: what do you mean by constant freezing? does it hang most of the time? what do you like about the pda?
Posted: 2005-01-20 01:42:58
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well my one freezes when i do multifunctions or certain functions.
E.g. if I'm searching for a bluetooth device and then cancel, it freezes.
If I receive a message while the phone is ringing, it freezes.
The phone resets pretty fast, thats why it didnt bother me.
Its a really nice tiny phone in my opinion. Feels good, and makes me feel like I've got the P1000

It's camera isnt that great though. Whats nice is that it uses the WHOLE screen as a view finder.
Posted: 2005-01-21 11:51:40
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I haven't had a single freeze yet and I am finding I don't even need to soft reset it anywhere near as much as I do my iPAQ but even my latest iPAQ 4700 doesn't need to be soft reset any where near as much as the previous ones did
all in all I still haven't found anything that makes me want to get rid of it in a hurry
Posted: 2005-01-21 12:03:29
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Heh, I used to use a I-Mate PDA2K...Now, I use the JAM, both are great PDA phones to consider.
Posted: 2005-01-27 11:44:51
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hi. my hp ipaq 6340 machine is an awesome tool. it is many things i can point out about it to coclude the huge price is justified. with all that, my basic apps are internet browsers and media players. in this matter all i can do is complain and miss my old p800...
no opera on win mobile/ppc

that equals zero internet experience.
Posted: 2005-03-04 15:07:00
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EastCoastStar Posts: > 500
On 2005-03-04 15:07:00, danberte wrote:
hi. my hp ipaq 6340 machine is an awesome tool. it is many things i can point out about it to coclude the huge price is justified. with all that, my basic apps are internet browsers and media players. in this matter all i can do is complain and miss my old p800...
no opera on win mobile/ppc

that equals zero internet experience.
there are plenty of apps for the ipaq! if you need an app, im sure it is out there somewhere. one disadvantage of the ipaq is that i believe it is heavier than the imate jam or mini correct me if i am wrong.
Posted: 2005-03-04 15:16:08
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to those with an imate jam....what card do you use for WiFi if any?
Posted: 2005-03-04 15:19:33
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Well i had a p910i but then it got stolen, my need for experimenting with different phones drove me to buy the o2 Xda 2 mini, same as i-mate jam. !st of all if ur confused about which phone to buy blindly chose the p910. Here are a few facts i discovered about the phone only after purchasing it......
1)This phone cant be switched off like other normal phones, it can only be resetted.
2)There is no such thing as internal meamory, the RAM is used as both storage as well as a RAM.So if u have stuff stored on the RAM rest assured it gets deleted if u reset the phone.
3)The battery life isnt all tht good.....pretty much similar to the p910 lets just say..
4)The screen clarity sucks.....u can make out colour changes.....unlike the p910 which supported more colours so the image would appear bright, clear and smoothened out.
5)The camera is a 1.3 mp yet i still prefer the clarity i got from the p910s VGA camera.
6)I thought since its a windows phone i can manage a desktop like my pc, later i found out i cant, on the other hand the p910 can do this well with a software called tracker.
7)Sony Ericsson is was and will always be the king of sound clarity, so dont expect much from this goddamn O2.

Small functions like setting a tone of ur choice as an SMS alert is complicated, as a matter of fact i still havent figured it out.
9) Like some 1 earlier stated, the phone function and bluetooth often hangs, thats what u can expect from microsoft.Symbian is more meamory friendly and wayyyyyyy better...
10) Cracked software isnt wasily available
On the good side....
1) The mp3 playback quality(only with the provided earphones) is mindblowing, better than my discman.
2) its small and convenient to carry unlike the p910.
On the whole i still rate p910 as a better cell, because of its user friendlyness as well as it supports all the fucntions this pocket pc can do.As far as the size goes, i think that can be handled by using the flip removal thing.
[ This Message was edited by: infernalking on 2006-07-05 20:11 ]
Posted: 2006-07-05 21:05:47
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