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Marcus_129 Posts: 136

On 2005-05-26 13:04:18, gbrooks3 wrote:
Yes! Finally the K750i is worthy of being actually sold. I am definatley waiting for this version now.

WTF are you saying? worthy to be sold?
More worthy than most of the phones out today! You can wait until you die! There will always be better models announced
Posted: 2005-05-26 13:17:00
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goldenface Posts: > 500

Subsequently both in the advertising materials and on the housing of telephone will appear the inscription about the fact that the module of camera CCD. tentatively this will occur before christmas sales.

The module, which will find a use in Sony Ericsson K750i, becomes standard for the entire rule of the products of company, beginning from the average segment.

The topovye models of this year will obtain e-megapiksel'nye matrices, but they will be altogether only CMOS.
Translated does this mean.:

Subsequently in all advertising material and on the handset housing it will state that a CCD sensor is used.

This module which is used in the K750i will become standard in the mid-range segment.

Upper end megapixel models will use CMOS sensors.

Strange way of doing things

Posted: 2005-05-26 13:57:37
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gbrooks3 Posts: > 500


What the Hell is wrong with you? Dont talk to someone you dont know like that! Comeback when you have something useful to say! You think that i have well over 1000 posts at esato and i am not familiar with the concept of Upgrades? hahahaha, joker.

I was just saying that before the this ugrade the K750i was not a great phone in my opinion. Now with these improvements the phone is definatley worth buying.

I dont know what you interpreted that as! Seems simple to me.


Because the platform sends bogus messages while charging, that is why!!!..But why this change of heart?..We sense a charger connected, oops, we will not shut down after all!!!..*********************** UI BASIC, HOLD YOUR HORSES

[ This Message was edited by: gbrooks3 on 2005-05-26 13:13 ]
Posted: 2005-05-26 14:10:28
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REO Posts: > 500

@korbindallis Just some feedback.... when posting detailed info, please break with paragraphs. It's easier on the eyes.

Just an observation here to all, hence why I don't run out an purchase at launch time. Plus, I can almost bet that the next S series will have a 3 MP.
Posted: 2005-05-26 14:14:55
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Skrue Posts: > 500

and i was opting to get the k750i at the 2nd week of june. now, i haveta wait longer...shucks....
Posted: 2005-05-26 14:15:17
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sunnychad Posts: 261

Mine arrived today...

Oh well...guess it will have to go wrong at some stage in September and the replacement will be CCD. Not that I am buying the phone for the camera
Posted: 2005-05-26 14:24:10
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goldenface Posts: > 500

On 2005-05-26 14:24:10, sunnychad wrote:
Mine arrived today...

Oh well...guess it will have to go wrong at some stage in September and the replacement will be CCD. Not that I am buying the phone for the camera

Now now! Don't you be dropping your phone into a glass of Cola just to get a better camera
Posted: 2005-05-26 15:00:35
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Quoth Posts: 88

So, do you think will these features be included in the W800 when it's launched?
Posted: 2005-05-26 18:07:52
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(An)Dante Posts: 147

I believe that the 3G version of the K750 will be available soon..
Posted: 2005-05-26 22:02:58
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Arne Anka Posts: > 500

On 2005-05-26 22:02:58, (An)Dante wrote:
I believe that the 3G version of the K750 will be available soon..

Not until 2006 (possibly autumn 2006).
Posted: 2005-05-26 22:16:42
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