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Hobbs Posts: > 500

you see,in those pics the x1 and n97 seem to be getting on fine together,so why cant everyone (you could say getting on a bit to well by the look of some of those
Posted: 2008-12-04 05:56:30
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gforce23 Posts: > 500

On 2008-12-03 20:36:01, Gizmo47 wrote:
The processor clock speed is 369 Mhz.

Wow! No OMAP3 then? That is SLOW.
Posted: 2008-12-04 07:53:03
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razec Posts: > 500

On 2008-12-04 07:53:03, gforce23 wrote:

On 2008-12-03 20:36:01, Gizmo47 wrote:
The processor clock speed is 369 Mhz.

Wow! No OMAP3 then? That is SLOW.

Even the 330Mhz OMAP2 chips used in G810/innov8/N82/N95series and E90 totally obliterates that CPU performance wise. no wonder why Quake developers require phones that utilizes those chipsets. as i see it the reason why they choose to use the same CPU as with 6220classic/5800XM/N85/N79 is to reduce production cost as well as to provide slightly better battery performance.
Posted: 2008-12-04 09:34:04
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Alpha Trion Posts: 197

Seeing the X1 & N97 side by side i just cant help but comment on how well thought-out the X1 qwerty layout is.
This is really bugging me now about the N97 though i do like the look of the thumb pad.
Posted: 2008-12-04 13:30:32
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Dextrr Posts: 279

The X1 looks better than the N97? Yeah right! The X1 looks like a brick compared to the svelte-curvy N97 IMFHO. Can't believe how tiny and "thin" the X1's screen looks compared to the N97. It looks outdated too.

All Nokia was missing was a Touch Interface, big screen and a proper QWERTY. After seeing the N97, all these issues seem to be addressed.

It's funny how SE fanboys are dissing this great kit and claiming that the X1 is better. A circa 2004 3MP camera, WM 6.1 and generic 'rectangle' design made by HTC all that for $~800 is a great deal eh?

I have the E71 and it's a brilliant phone. I used to think it if had all the multimedia features of an N-series device, it'd be the perfect phone for me and many like me that need a QWERTY. The touchscreen and CZ 5 MP cameras are an added bonus. I have found my next device in the N97.

Posted: 2008-12-05 00:34:28
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Miss UK Posts: > 500

Tut wheres the 8MP camera
Posted: 2008-12-05 01:33:21
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se_dude Posts: > 500

LOL.Sweet curvy N97?? The N97 is a revamped version of the arc slider X1. And moreover, the materials look camn cheap when compared to the full metal solutionof the X1. Now if you want to argue on that, be my guest. But, the pic compared a black X1 a white N97, not sure if thats the right way to compare two devices regarding looks.

Newaz, by the time this arrives, the X1 will truly be "old"
Posted: 2008-12-05 04:13:12
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Tsepz_GP Posts: > 500

On 2008-12-05 04:13:12, se_dude wrote:
Newaz, by the time this arrives, the X1 will truly be "old"

Its already truly old. considering its NOKIA rival the E90 had similar specs over a year ago.
Totaly agree with Dexterr, but in looks thats personal taste. I like both X1 AND N97 in design, at the end id probably take the N97 due to the rounded edges.
LOL N97 a revampd X1 design? WTF!? What crap, Doesnt it take like 12months to design these phones? So technicaly the N97 had already been designed before the X1 was announced. The N97 design is perfect for a Multimedia device, it will make watching movies great on the N97 and realy nice to text with, HTC had a great idea with this slide and tilt design on TyTN-II.

Posted: 2008-12-05 08:41:41
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Tsepz_GP Posts: > 500

Here are the details on the CPU used in NOKIAs newer phones eg. N78, N79, N81, N85, 5800xm, N97 etc. . . . Here:[....]rod_summary.jsp?code=MXC300-30
Posted: 2008-12-05 10:18:41
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borisisinvin Posts: 175

Nokia being market leader? Puh-leez! Samsung and SE are.. Nokia has its stocks fell down last Q2 and Q3. Lol.

And Engadget hates Nokia... Srsly.

I thought selling the most phones (or anything else, dependent on what your wares are) in the world made you the market leader? Sure Nokia's market share fell, but it's still sells the most phones worldwide, right? I would like to think that it's market share fell thanks to improved competition from the likes of Apple, RIM, and HTC in the Smart Phone area this year. Believe it or not, this IS A GOOD THING FOR THE CONSUMERS last time I checked. That means that companies like Nokia and SE have to try EVEN harder to get our hard earned monies. It keeps giants like Nokia on their toes, and means we'll be getting the best possible stuff for all of our hard earned dollars. Yay everyone wins with more bang for their bucks!

That's funny you should mention Engadget here, because I hate Engadget. It's full of trolls, Apple on Microsoft flamers, and Playstation on Xbox flamers. I've always been more of Gizmodo reader myself.

@ everyone else, please stop feeding the trolls for all of our sakes, we don't want this place turning out like the Engadget comment's section do we?...

[ This Message was edited by: borisisinvin on 2008-12-05 23:48 ]
Posted: 2008-12-05 23:21:24
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