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captainsm Posts: > 500

Thank's for the kind words Newton. pleasure doing business with you.
Posted: 2002-08-16 19:56:00
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orang3 Posts: > 500

i never blame CAP for it ..
Posted: 2002-08-16 20:09:00
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ShawO Posts: 248

Multitasking at this rate???
Even a supercomputer will crash!!!
Posted: 2002-08-16 20:53:00
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Mimzo Posts: > 500

If I understand things correctly, you're in the accessory business. True? There's lots of things I need for my T68i which I can't seem to find anywhere else.

Do you have some sort of website where I can see what you've got and how much it costs, etc? I know I live considerably far away but we can work something out for the shipping. Please lemme know more so I can get what I need and we're both happier

Thanks in advance!
Posted: 2002-08-16 21:27:00
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captainsm Posts: > 500

Well.. it all started out as a favour for a friend.

Let me put it like this. What do you need ?

I'll see if i can get my hands on it. How does that sound ?
Posted: 2002-08-16 21:35:00
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Gnauser Posts: 1


Jag har PM'at dig om en sak
Posted: 2002-08-17 00:16:00
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charliecheng Posts: 8


Could you get your hands on an ICT-14 a new holster supposedly for the T68i, and a replacement LCD screen with a higher resolution (you have any idea about how to do this? or is it remotely possible?)

Thanks in advance, I live here in Riyadh Saudi Arabia shipping could be arranged.
Posted: 2002-08-17 13:03:00
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captainsm Posts: > 500

@ Charliecheng.

I can't get the ICT-14.

As to a display with higher resolution ?? Where did you even get the idea that there's one for sale ? i may be able to get original SE Displays.
Posted: 2002-08-17 13:07:00
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orang3 Posts: > 500

if the LCD with higher resolution all of us would grab it .. who gave you tht idea ?
Posted: 2002-08-17 15:20:00
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Mimzo Posts: > 500

Here's what I'm looking for:
1. HBH-30 Bluetooth headset
2. MCA-20 Communicam
3. Any fully compatible car kit for the T68i. It doesn't have to be (though that would be preferrable) but I want something that will work well and will mute my music when I get a call, etc.

How much do these accessories cost? Someone is supposedly getting me items 1 and 2 from overseas (none of these things are available where I live) but if you can get them I'll tell that someone to forget about it - I'm tired of waiting - don't know what it is about this phone's accessories

Please let me know.

Thanks in advance,
Posted: 2002-08-17 16:57:00
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