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hey guys. It's so nice to be here. I am 4m Bangladesh and i m into this SE modding stuff for 3 years. This site was great and still great.
Posted: 2010-07-05 06:59:49
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hey guys i'm from france but actually i live in south africa,i'm a IT student in cape town,i own an iphone 3gs and an htc touch hd 2,i've been using proxy for free browsing for a while and today in just found that forum

(thx to google).
i'm willing to share my infos and tricks with people who have some info and tricks too,just PM if you're interrested.
Posted: 2010-08-22 13:32:31
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Hi i am ceaser. I am from the land of festivals and colourfull country, INDIA. I am from western region of India. Currently i am owing the perfect phone

for me..
Posted: 2010-08-22 15:26:47
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Not sure I ever came on this thread. But I am from Ireland south of Dublin named Ballybrack. But have been in the UK since before I was one year old when my parent arrived here. Currently have

Elm & Zylo(change my phone more than I have dinners)
Posted: 2010-08-22 15:56:11
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I'm from Bulgaria.
Posted: 2010-09-22 22:29:35
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Pahelp naman po sa Sun broadband ko....

newbie hir
Posted: 2011-09-17 16:22:37
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I'm from Norway.
Posted: 2011-12-30 18:41:28
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Hey, I am also from India. Did not know abt this topic/thread, or else wud have reported at the time of joining. I am from North India, n living in the capital, New Delhi
Posted: 2013-02-12 10:36:50
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Hello there, from beautiful Crimea !!!
I am generally interested in the
"history of modern communication" and esp. interested in
ERICSSON Mobile-Phones from the late 1980th until 1995.
Modern communication starts approx. in
1809, when electronic telegraphy was invented by Sömmering, and then improved by Morse in 1837.
1845, in good old England, the first murder (John Tawell) was arrested with the help of telegraphy.
Already by
1830, the italian US-immigrant
Antonio Meucci discovered that copper-wires are able to transmit speach and established a fully working house-telephone equipment in his house in Staten Island.
1860 he presented his fully-working patent to the US-public, but due to financial problems he wasn´t able to legally registrate his patent. His registrations-forms "dissapeard" within the US-Patent-administration, before he could finally legalize them.
Some years later, in March
1876, a man named
Alexander Graham Bell, got it managed to registrate the very same "apparatus" as a legal US-patent throughout his company "Western Union Telegraph".
Ever scince, Mr. Bell is considered as the "inventor of the telephone".
At the
end of the 19th century the
wireless telegraphy was invented. This technology was widely used already during the WW I. (1914 - 1918).
In the
beginning of the 20th century FM-Radio was used for wireless communication.
Firstly such devices where installed as simple receivers in police-cars (1919 in Berkeley) and later, already as send-and-receive-devices, in Paris, France (1934).
In the
1950th, locally-based FM-networks where established in many countries, mainly for military-use, police, ambulance, fire-brigarde.
By the end of the
1950th, the first
cell-phone networks where established for private use.
"Cell-phone" was meant literally, because once had to know not only the phone-number of the subscriber, but also in which position (in which cell) sHe was located. "Caller-location-services" where not yet invented nor could you dial yourself. All connections where linked up thoughout an "operator".
In the
1980th however, these problems became obsolete at last: In civil cell-phone-networks you could dial yourself the subcriber´s number and you got a connection, wherever hers/his position was. International roaming was also introduced without the help of an operator.
Due to considerably high subscriber prices at such times, some companies introduced
"pagers" as an additional communication-service, both for professionals (hospitals, guards etc) as well as for private use.
Also in the
middle of the 1980th, the
first digital cell-phone-network was established by
Ericsson in Saudi-Arabia.
December 1992 the first
SMS (Short Message Service) has been send. The message was: "Merry Christmas"
Posted: 2013-02-15 13:16:31
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as am new to the forum a would glat to tell you that this is the first mobile forum i have visited
Posted: 2013-04-06 07:36:50
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