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Supa_Fly Posts: > 500

On 2008-12-02 11:12:27, Mizzle wrote:
I'm getting one. I think.

I thought I'd never see the day where Mizzle would be interested in a Nokia, let alone S60.

On 2008-12-02 18:59:24, se_dude wrote:
Yea totally.Full metal X1 vs a plastic N97.

Dude, its SHEET metal, not thick like 1950's cars are. Sure I love metal just as much as the next guy, but I have YET to see any company open about showing its rigurous testing for product durability such as Nokia. Care to respond to that?

On 2008-12-02 21:03:20, Mr Miyagi wrote:
This phone in my opinion design wise is another copy of the x1 and the google g1 phone. why all the same kind of design? can't nokia bring up some thing else like a better design of their own?

Another blind SE fan. Young apprentice, the SE Xperia X1 design is a copy of any other HTC WM smartphone; because it was built by HTC. Most likely it wsa a design decision by HTC, since SE rejected the slide & tilt, and HTC accomodated with the ARC slider. I have YET to see SE state that the ARC slider was their design, instead of a first used by them.


You really need to understand that if a stock drops, it doesn't have an immediate and direct correlation to marketshare. RIM continued to beat analyst expectations on phone sales & revenue for the past 3 QTRS yet their stock price has dropped the past 2 QTRS. I suggest you look up a companies history of at least 3yrs on GoogleFinance before making yourself sound like incompetitent - unless joking is your intention. I'm not here to insult you, but by responses from others I'm not the only one that perceives you "acting" this way.


I don't feel markeshare is an accurate measure of a manufacturers worth. Its ONLY a good measure when comparing sales - initially for the first 2yrs or less to its competitors when they first enter a market. Case in point: look at iPhones increasing marketshare - its exploding (much to my distaste). One has to analyze how it can gain in countries where S60 is king - especially in a marketplace that is close to if not already saturation = i read a report that in the UK, statistically every person above age 16 owns at least 1 phone and changes their phone model/brand within a 6-8mth time period. This fist with when the iPhone was released in the UK and the other 21 countries this year (besides the USA). Now, marketshare doesn't help accurately predict that a phone manufacturer's worth altogether. Many of these users purchase the iPhone on contract with minimal initial buyout & thus even a curious passive user can purchase a 2nd phone (2nd to S60, WM, BlackBerry, or Palm). Marketshare doesn't evaluate correctly whether or not this iPhone purchase in my example is for a daughter/son, or on a family shared plan or even the same user. ONLY sales of devices, or delivered devices to any provider or retail (sales from there), accurately show a manufacturer's worth or the choice of their OS. Lastly many users don't upgrade in that 8mth cycle and stick with their phone of choice. New users purchasing a new phone/OS doesn't reflect this - and them damaging their phones and going to a fallback.

Posted: 2008-12-06 01:05:28
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Yakkaimono Posts: 425

Can't understand why some of you guys are putting this device down at every chance you get.
Of course it doesn't have any groundbraking new technologies but it's still a really well balanced out phone. Imo it's looking like it could be one of the best multimedia device till fall 09.
Posted: 2008-12-06 01:14:45
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se_dude Posts: > 500

Durability like Nokia??

i am sure you are referring to the low end phones made by Nokia, coz they are simply great.

My experience with nokia

5700- I am a heavy texter and after 6 months one of the keys went kaput. never happened to any SE set of mine.

N81-Had pathetic build quality, the slider moved horiantally almost the same as it did verticaly. Had a terrible time with either of them.

Now, I cant say the same for SE really,.These are the two brands i ever used, and th onyl SE that gave me any sort of a problem was K850 , and that too were software problems. So, please dont say that Nokias have awesome build quality blah blah, they have for a specific few models, but i wont go and honour the full N-series on this matter

[ This Message was edited by: se_dude on 2008-12-06 02:26 ]
Posted: 2008-12-06 03:25:13
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SloopJohnB Posts: > 500

Is there anything new in this new OS besides widgets? I now itīs a touch device but itīs resistive touch and sorry but thatīs outdated. Itīs slower, less accurate and less responsive. Whatīs new in the software??
Posted: 2008-12-06 03:46:25
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QVGA Posts: > 500

On 2008-12-06 03:46:25, SloopJohnB wrote:
Itīs slower, less accurate and less responsive. Whatīs new in the software??

yeah because when nokia thought of making a TS phone, they probably noted down all the worst case scenarios of a TS phone and implemented them into their flag ship!
Posted: 2008-12-06 06:50:55
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Tsepz_GP Posts: > 500

Strange. Ive owned a N81 for a full year, no serious build quality problems, its actualy a VERY durable phone, my slider is a little shakey but thats it. My K850 on the other hand squeeks at the bottom by the batt cover PLUS it had terrible software probs, both my mates with W850s had their dpads crack with in a month, lets not even speak of the famous S500 and W580. Mates K800 keypad paint peeled off with in 1st few months and then died within 5months. Atleast when NOKIA use metal it DOES NOT CRACK eg. E71, E66, E90 etc. . .unlike some manufacturers current "flagship" PPC.
Posted: 2008-12-06 07:49:42
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islandprd Posts: 176

Dont tell me no one ever see peeled and cracked Nokia
Condition and durability ares very much based on users.

[ This Message was edited by: islandprd on 2008-12-06 08:00 ]
Posted: 2008-12-06 09:00:03
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Tsepz_GP Posts: > 500

Over time they do peel. But dpads and keys cracking with in 1st few months is a little odd.
Posted: 2008-12-06 09:22:17
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islandprd Posts: 176

Dont you think that topic is a bit old?

FYI that N958Gb also few months

It boils down what it is intended for, form, thickness, weight etc. Some people are bad luck. Some dont

[ This Message was edited by: islandprd on 2008-12-06 09:05 ]
Posted: 2008-12-06 09:45:18
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Tsepz_GP Posts: > 500

On 2008-12-06 09:45:18, islandprd wrote:
Dont you think that topic is a bit old?

FYI that N958Gb also few months

It boils down what it is intended for, form, thickness, weight etc. Some people are bad luck. Some dont

[ This Message was edited by: islandprd on 2008-12-06 09:05 ]

I totaly agree, but if you remember the W850 had a whole topic of how its dpad would crack quickly, and we all know about W580 and S500 keys. What im trying to point out is that SEs also have poor build quality issues with certain models just like NOKIA.
Posted: 2008-12-06 12:55:07
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