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Bonovox Posts: > 500

Yes i had a feeling Laffen would not ignore unhappy members and not notice what was being said. Good one.
Posted: 2011-09-08 09:33:00
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hihihans Posts: > 500

Posted: 2011-09-08 10:51:02
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laffen Posts: > 500

Almost there. I had to do a reverse calculation of the vote normalization after a vote was deleted, and it took some time to do.

Before I start deleting votes, I wan't to know which pattern to look for. The Brazilian guys (probably the same guy many of them) has gone after certain members.

The guy which has rated most photos has this distribution:
1 - 2883
2 - 49
9 - 5
10 - 387

2883 photos has been given a half start/vote 1, and 387 photos has been rated with a 10. This is easy to spot because I can see which member he has given 1 and that he has targeted just a handful of members. The top-20 bad voters are also behind the same IP which makes it easier to spot. But what about those with similar pattern but not targeting any particular members? What do I do with those members?

This is a well known member which has chosen to give out mostly 1. But those are evenly spread. What do I do with such voters?
Rating - count
1 - 77
9 - 1
10 - 8

Any ideas guys.

It is possible to remove the anonymous rating system, but that will have to start from now on. After I have done the cleaning
Posted: 2011-09-09 12:47:55
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number1 Posts: > 500

Because theres a pattern with the Brazilian guys where people have been targeted id ban them ,

1 - 77
9 - 1
10 - 8

If theres no pattern here, like no certain member has been given most of the 1 votes or 10 votes or a certian brand of phone hasn't just been given all the 1 or 10 votes , if the votes have been distributed evenly over a period of time then no action should be taken or maybe just a friendly pm asking him to be more considerate when voting on photos.
Posted: 2011-09-09 13:05:50
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ceaser2008 Posts: > 500

I am totally agree with number1.

Laffen, are we expecting a brand new voting system ??
Posted: 2011-09-09 14:03:22
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Bonovox Posts: > 500

I deleted many of my photos too as a protest. Well lets hope it solves the issue
Posted: 2011-09-09 14:50:00
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number1 Posts: > 500

Once the Brazilian guy has been banned you should be alright , I would guess that you were probley 1 of the people he targeted.
Posted: 2011-09-09 15:01:52
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tranced Posts: > 500

Go for the Brazilian guys. This pattern has been more damaging than the odd pattern. And, as number1 said, we could warn the user to stop doing such voting manner.
Posted: 2011-09-09 15:06:18
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Bonovox Posts: > 500

I have my idea who this is but I cannot prove it myself & will keep quiet
Posted: 2011-09-09 16:29:47
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Marly Posts: > 500

I agree with the others here, ban the Brazilian 1-voter(s), this should solve most problems.

On 2011-09-09 12:47:55, laffen wrote:
But what about those with similar pattern but not targeting any particular members? What do I do with those members?

This is a well known member which has chosen to give out mostly 1. But those are evenly spread. What do I do with such voters?
Rating - count
1 - 77
9 - 1
10 - 8

I don't suppose, these kind of voters are a problem, as they apparently spread their votes and don't target certain members.
Posted: 2011-09-09 18:43:37
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