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themarques Posts: > 500

Yeah similar this is Kalyway the rest didnt seem to work with this laptop.
Posted: 2007-11-25 17:57:24
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Superluminova Posts: > 500

anyone know how i can setup a static ip address on tiger?
Posted: 2007-11-27 18:40:32
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Danny_BFC Posts: 499

On 2007-11-25 16:45:28, themarques wrote:
Sunday afternoon, Toshiba Sat Pro sitting next to me running Vista mmm what can I do to make this a little interesting...argh OSX86 3 DVD's later 10.4.10 running like a charm and damn sigh faster then Vista.

How do i do that
Posted: 2007-11-27 18:41:46
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paul101 Posts: > 500

^^^^ me want to do that too
Posted: 2007-11-27 18:43:43
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themarques Posts: > 500

You need to give me some info about the machine you want to install it on, most importantly cpu (intel or amd) install and app called cpu-z and screen shot it and then we can work from there.
Posted: 2007-11-27 20:18:01
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fatreg Posts: > 500

was being a proper proper plank

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[ This Message was edited by: fatreg on 2007-11-27 20:59 ]
Posted: 2007-11-27 21:59:16
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themarques Posts: > 500

On 2007-11-27 18:40:32, Superluminova wrote:
anyone know how i can setup a static ip address on tiger?

You have pretty much two options to do this, best way is to configure from your router, assing your mac code to a specific ip address.

alternatively sys preferences, network, aiport, tcp.ip, using dhcp with a manual address.

But if your mac is not on and another item connects and takes that ip then you have to go back and change that info so safest bet is to do it from the router.
Posted: 2007-11-27 22:03:57
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Danny_BFC Posts: 499

Shame mine is a AMD

heres the screenie anyway.

Oh and thats an esato member with a bra on his head by the way.

i'll let you guess who..

My Xbox Live

[ This Message was edited by: ..:/Ğanny:.. on 2007-11-28 18:32 ]
Posted: 2007-11-28 19:27:14
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themarques Posts: > 500

Danny AMD should be fine your system supports SSE3 so thats a start. I will find out which version will support you best. Do you have access to a MAC as you might need to inject some scripts into the iso file to enable this? or a friend with a mac?
Posted: 2007-11-28 20:13:00
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Danny_BFC Posts: 499

My mate has a imac
Posted: 2007-11-28 20:20:06
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