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Sony Ericsson / Sony : UMTS / 3G : How much do you pay for 3G/GPRS?
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realpimp Posts: 10

here in romania we pay 4 euros a month for 500Mb of internet but me as student i have a discount and i only pay 2 euros/month for 500Mb..i think it`s very good cause i almost never used them all..
Posted: 2009-12-12 22:11:40
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Lollylost100 Posts: 459

I pay nothing (limit is 100mb per day ).
Posted: 2009-12-13 01:51:06
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brys182 Posts: 246

we use it free here
Posted: 2009-12-13 04:16:17
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Cyborg_a0 Posts: 283

brys is right we use it for free here in philippines
but originaly we should pay
P5.00/15min for globe and
P10.00/30min for smart
Posted: 2009-12-13 04:40:00
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zegwei Posts: 1

Posted: 2009-12-21 22:24:40
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Bheng18 Posts: 264

here in ph we have it for free using w0rking web pr0xies..but if we're g0ing t0 use the default pr0xy of our netw0rk it will c0st us 10php/30mins..
Posted: 2009-12-22 02:14:37
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Nhyrohale23 Posts: 57

In our country(philippne) if you use working proxies its free but if you dont use they will charge you 10php load
Posted: 2009-12-26 05:06:13
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Excalibur69 Posts: > 500

Actually, we were charged here by our networks 10Php per 30 minutes, however, we're so lucky in the Philippines for we have a lot of tricksters here who always find ways to fool our network providers...
Posted: 2010-01-02 09:42:19
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Legally, I pay 0.5USD/hour.. Or sometimes, 0.5USD/day per site..

But in the Philippines (ahehehe), we illegally trick and fool our ISP's.. So we pay nothing..
Posted: 2010-01-08 12:37:00
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ceaser2008 Posts: > 500

Well legally i pay Rs. 99/month for unlimited gprs. approx 2usd.
My friends are amazed how much i use with in a month.
Posted: 2010-01-08 13:01:27
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