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On 2008-03-20 21:37:34, hutchygers wrote:
right if i get a 40GB PS3 are you able to bluetooth photos, videos etc. from my sony ericsson phone to the console? As i know the 40GB version doesnt have the memory card slots to put my phone memory card into it and transfer stuff.
thanks for any help on this. still undecided whether to get 40GB or 80GB or just to wait for better deals as im in USA just now so all deals here are cheaper than UK deals
you cant do that (yet!), but you can transfer files from the memory card to the ps3 via the data cable on my 60gb UK PS3
Posted: 2008-03-20 22:39:55
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thanks for help
now to the big question what is best in your opinion? ..........
a uk 40gb console with 1 or 2 games for 300GBP
a usa 40gb with spiderman bluray for 200GBP
or a usa 80gb with 1 game for 250GBP
Posted: 2008-03-20 23:08:59
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On 2008-03-20 23:08:59, hutchygers wrote:
thanks for help
now to the big question what is best in your opinion? ..........
a uk 40gb console with 1 or 2 games for 300GBP
a usa 40gb with spiderman bluray for 200GBP
or a usa 80gb with 1 game for 250GBP
i would say the UK 40gb would be best because:
1. the US 80gb has ps2 backwards compatibility that only works with US games
2. the hdd can easily be upgraded (in all ps3's)
3. you are likely to get hit by import tax if you import them from the USA
4. the UK one has a valid warranty in the UK, while the US ones don't
Posted: 2008-03-21 12:35:32
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Muhammad-Oli Posts: > 500
Not sure about this, but wouldn't the USA PS3 play only USA region encoded Blueray discs and games? So you'd have to import games, etc too?
Posted: 2008-03-21 12:57:45
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I thought Blu Ray films weren't region coded? Or was that summat else?
Posted: 2008-03-21 13:07:25
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Muhammad-Oli Posts: > 500
Oh, maybe you're right. I haven't had any experience with them, so thats why I said I'm not sure.

Just wanted to say it just in case. I didn't think games were region coded either, but my brother bought a USA PSP game and it was region coded. It worked mostly, but some features didn't which sucked. PS3 I suppose would be different.
Posted: 2008-03-21 13:11:34
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Yeah..PS3 games aren't region coded..can play them anywhere without any kind of limitations..Blu-ray titles though, are region coded based on the NTSC, PAL region coding...just like the old PS2 games.
Posted: 2008-03-21 13:19:01
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Muhammad-Oli Posts: > 500
So a USA PS3 wouldn't be able to play UK or Europe BlueRay titles?
Posted: 2008-03-21 13:22:30
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Actually..I just did a search again on blu ray region coding..there are also several titles released which can play on both UK and US systems..while some are still locked to the territory they are coded for..
Here are 2 sources listing region locked and region free blu ray titles..
Posted: 2008-03-21 13:30:50
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Muhammad-Oli Posts: > 500
Hmmm... Even if some can play, I still wouldn't go for a PS3 of a different region. Just so I know I can play anything I buy locally (which would be all I buy).
Posted: 2008-03-21 13:35:34
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