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fdigital Posts: 133

@wfunk use 206 with this proxy server this the one found working 4now. and must have credit atleast #10 on ur account k
Posted: 2008-11-22 18:21:00
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wfunknown Posts: 16

Hey F.D,kuld u tel me latest forums for mobile phones,(esp free browsing)where u normally log on to?
Posted: 2008-11-22 22:55:00
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wastsiders Posts: 9

Hi all. Plz i need information about iplanet web if some1 have any idea about it plz post it her.. Thx a lot

This message was posted from a 6030
Posted: 2008-11-23 16:28:23
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Man4war Posts: 53

Fdigital and all of the techies in this forum. I think we should start planning to be more discreet with our codes and proxies. as you might know is no longer free for us in Niger again. you use the proxy and you are charged. I read somewhere that with a gprs and an international proxy, withyour phone as modem, it is possible to connect to the web and surf freely. Can we all look into this? Fdigital I eagely wait for those proxies you promised us Niger in this forum.
Posted: 2008-11-24 12:59:29
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Man4war Posts: 53

Fdigital and dennevhen, can you PM me some other forum for techies where we can meet?
Posted: 2008-11-24 13:03:33
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fdigital Posts: 133

man4war is true mtn has blocked loaded/music but their is a newly found proxy that still work with mtn and on opera mod i will pm u the other ntws free browsing proxies mtn glo zain and etisalat so u choose any one u like
Posted: 2008-11-24 21:13:00
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wfunknown Posts: 16

Dats quite true.the loaded and music proxies hav been my om 2.06 and 3.06 is stil not workin.f.d,i tried the server settings u gav me bt it stil couldn't keeps telin me 2 visit their site wit my settings.rit nw i'm sendin dis message frm phone's browser using a proxy dat i'l p.m 2 u l8r.i ws 1derin if u kuld pm me dose proxies u talkd abt earlier & if possible help me out wit settings for free streamin.rit nw i'm doin serious research to try & burst mtn's browse bubble 4 4 1!
Posted: 2008-11-25 08:08:00
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fdigital Posts: 133

@unknown we now observe that mtn now send firewalls to any browser caught browsing without been charged for 2,3,4 hrs. So here is what to do.. .>delete the opera206 entirely and download another one . .> then install and do the ntw test ok it. press #8 and goto ur network setting at opera miniserver use this proxy
or10.199.212.8 @opm server and make sure u do the necessary ch

then SAVE .
browse any site and watch ur credit if there deduction an make sure u limit ur browsing hrs. . . . . enjoy
Posted: 2008-11-25 17:40:09
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Man4war Posts: 53

This thread would have been so dull, uninteresting and uninspiring without guys like fdigital and dennevhen. We owe u guys a lot for bailing us from the jaws of these heartless mtworks providers. Fdigital, great thanks for that pm. U re very much correct bout the firewalls from mtn. When my 206 was hit, itried every tricks under the sun to no avail. I had to load 204 and with the proxy you gave i was able to surf on mtn freely. Recently, my credits ran out and my 310 was hit again. I had to switch tricks and opm servers before i could got it working. Mtn thinks they are smart but we have sharper minds than they. They would continue to make us thiink ahead with their actions and at the end they would compromise their entire network and their most sensitive servers. free browsing cannot kill them with all the zillions they make daily. Wiser networks such as the one in india and others learnt better. They left free browsers alone. Mtn nigeria will be forced to heed and submit.
Posted: 2008-11-25 19:00:34
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wfunknown Posts: 16

Been there,done that,bt it doesn't even connect @ jst keeps telin me d same tin again & again.i'm jst tired men.i even downloaded ur crackd version frm sharemobile bt it doesn't even go past it's test.
Posted: 2008-11-25 21:38:00
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