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Dogmann Posts: > 500


Wow talk about selective memory when you can say stuff like

"Yea totally.Full metal X1 vs a plastic N97"

Is this the same totally metal build quality with sharp edges? with peeling paint? with cracking stylus silos, with battery covers that just pop off then? as reported by so many users all over the Forums. All in a device that is so fresh to market so who knows what will happen 6 months or further down the line. Never mind the software glitches or the failure to deliver what they said the panels would be. But your right it looks good so who cares about any of the important things after all we don't want to use it just look flash.

Oh yes and the K850 was such a stunning success which is why SE caned it early and of course SE have never had cracking keyboard issues on any phones either. It must be good to only remember what you find suits your argument and conveniently forget the rest.

But then with a name like se_dude what else could we expect about anything to do with SE but only positives.


Blackberry Bold, V4.6.0.190, 8GB SDHC, Pin2553F455
Honoured to have Won Best Debater for the 2nd Year

[ This Message was edited by: Dogmann on 2008-12-06 12:08 ]
Posted: 2008-12-06 13:08:40
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se_dude Posts: > 500

Haha.When the XPERIA was announced they had truckloads of people there bashing it up.Anyways, the N97 is not yet out, it will be when half the people will be bored with their X1 and Touch Pro and after most manufacturers have announced newer and better phones. WTF!! In june SE and Samsung are scheduled to announce their 12 mp beast while Nokia is still on a standstill. The no of issues i have heard about the N85 now are less than what i have heard of the X1 yet, the N85 came later in india.
Posted: 2008-12-06 14:44:19
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QVGA Posts: > 500

On 2008-12-06 13:08:40, Dogmann wrote:

But then with a name like se_dude what else could we expect about anything to do with SE but only positives.


Blackberry Bold, V4.6.0.190, 8GB SDHC, Pin2553F455
Honoured to have Won Best Debater for the 2nd Year

[ This Message was edited by: Dogmann on 2008-12-06 12:08 ]

yes exactly, so why bother arguing with him? he's just an attention whore, so leave him be.
Posted: 2008-12-06 14:54:50
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MWEB Posts: > 500

Fairs fair, at least Mizzle (who has a strong SE background) has the honesty and intellect to know a decent phone when he sees one, as opposed to certain other members who display an almost psychotic fixation and hatred for anything with a Nokia label.
Posted: 2008-12-06 15:01:26
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C905 Posts: > 500

Exactly MWEB
I mean, I also like SE phones better than nokia, but this phone is a very nice addition, indeed. The only thing I want is that it should be released a bit earlier, and the resolution of the screen could also be a bit better. But then again, you simply cant have every thing.
Even the design is good, compared to 5800
Posted: 2008-12-06 15:37:39
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Dups! Posts: > 500

The last few pages of this thread make me realise why I don't visit esato as much as I used to.

Anyway, the N97 is average when one considers what's on the market already. The pluses
for me are the generous memory and the fact that it is symbian.

As for quality issues, every manufacturer has them even though SE is guilty of too many of them. SE needs to tighten up on quality control urgently.

The interesting thing is this notion that Nokia's upcoming high end will not have challenges. I keep reading about the E90 replacement as thought the other manufacturers are sitting with their hands folded. We are likely to be faced with more competitors to the E90 successor than before.

Though the X1 is windows but it is roughly the same as the N97 (in specs) which begs the question- what is the X1's successor going to be like?

As much as the E90 was no that different in specs to the X1 the N97 does exactly as the X1 did in relation to the E90.
Posted: 2008-12-06 17:59:19
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Miss UK Posts: > 500

What the hecks happened to that N95-2 above

Posted: 2008-12-06 21:06:22
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Bonovox Posts: > 500

I have not had a Nokia for a while last one was 6300 and before that the N73. I love Nokia as much as SE though i have to agree that SE quality control is quite poor lately.
Posted: 2008-12-06 23:36:00
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Supa_Fly Posts: > 500

On 2008-12-06 03:25:13, se_dude wrote:
Durability like Nokia??

i am sure you are referring to the low end phones made by Nokia, coz they are simply great.

My experience with nokia

5700- I am a heavy texter and after 6 months one of the keys went kaput. never happened to any SE set of mine.

N81-Had pathetic build quality, the slider moved horiantally almost the same as it did verticaly. Had a terrible time with either of them.

Now, I cant say the same for SE really,.These are the two brands i ever used, and th onyl SE that gave me any sort of a problem was K850 , and that too were software problems. So, please dont say that Nokias have awesome build quality blah blah, they have for a specific few models, but i wont go and honour the full N-series on this matter

[ This Message was edited by: se_dude on 2008-12-06 02:26 ]

No I'm refering to high end Nokia phones.

E71 - which I personally owned and dropped twice! check my blog 2-3mths ago to see pictures of cracked screen with working LCD - non damaged. Check out over the web WHY the E71 is selling VERY EXCEPTIONALLy well - beyond Nokia's hopes/expectations. Check build quality; hardly any issues (1 person on Nokia Forums rambles on about complaints for everything you can imagine with 4 ppl in agreement; yet he gets another which doesn't exihibit ANY of those issues. This is not a case situation for any company)

- The only real issue is a gap under the LCD glass cover where the keys meets and light shines through. Easily ignored, just about all E71's have this. Unsure why.

N85 - again a quality built device. Only issue is DPad is so hard to press, not normal for Nokia (yet limited to China built models). 3mm "play" on the slide mechanism - which is acceptable and nowhere close to issues with the N95's.

N79 - no compaints I've seen yet over the web, yet not that popular. Testing center that The Smartphone Show filmed shows the N79 going through CRAZY testing.


Yes Steve Lichtfield is Nokia biased, lately he's been opening up his mind to other phones and gives the C905 serious praise!

Posted: 2008-12-06 23:36:20
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Bonovox Posts: > 500

Nokia 6300 6500 Slide 6500 Classic 6600 Slide etc they all have good build. Its the same with Nokia or SE some models are bad some are great.
Posted: 2008-12-06 23:40:00
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