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701 Posts: > 500

I am sure that it won`t look alike the t68 or the t610 cuz after all it`s gonna be a new phone, a flagship phone so it`s gonna be diff`rent( id do it diff`rent). With all the soft changes inside it would be really dumb for them to put a t68 housing, just a bit enlarged! see the diff`rence between the T68i and the T610! Still SonyEricsson but really diff`rent in design!
Posted: 2004-01-09 06:21:23
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dmb2000uk Posts: 43

If its totally different to like the T6XX series fones why is it labelled T650? Its the same series, i.e. similar design.

Posted: 2004-01-11 16:10:02
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ts_666 Posts: 301

the number is not confirmed yet, 'T650' is used here refering to the next phone of t610 type, ie. a new premium model.
Posted: 2004-01-11 17:31:00
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SE_believer Posts: 11

I cannot imagine, that nobody for the guys don't working for SonyEricsson have not any information about the coming T650. If it is true, that T650 will be presented in January or February, than someone must have some specs and photos of the phone.
I surly understand that nobody of the SE employees, which are involved in the T650 development and market launch cannot speak about specs and photos.
But there must be a possibility to give certain info and pics to someone who isn't known by SE.

Hey, there was a way of showing new phones in the past, then there must also a way of showing future phones. Where are all these people who spread these info in the past.

I'm also very interested in new phones and was also working for Erics. in the past and for me there isn't any other brand as SE in mobile phones.

Furthermore I think it is very necessary also for markting reasons, that little info is spread out before unvealing a new phone.

In my opinion, SE also must concentrate on very new phones with a future styling and absolutly new features, which wasn't presented by competitors. I mean the presentation of the P800 or T68, they were really new phones with complete new features. If SE would like to reach the market leader, it isn't sufficient to sale a lot of phones. It is defenitly the right way, but from now on, SE must also concentrate on future concepts with features the world havn't seen before.
Posted: 2004-01-11 17:47:05
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jack00 Posts: > 500

eldar (don't know if you know him/or his page ^^) hast already a prototype ... he said that there are going to be spycam pics at the end of january
Posted: 2004-01-11 18:23:02
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sn3ipen Posts: > 500

Can you post the pics here when it happen because i dont think there is so manny people here that know that languge.
Posted: 2004-01-11 18:27:28
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Superluminova Posts: > 500

if eldar says its true i think it is as he has alot of information on up and coming models all the time as it was him who told the work about the z600 and z200
Posted: 2004-01-11 18:33:17
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SE_believer Posts: 11

Oh, mobile-review is also available in english (the reviews, news and also the forum)

Try it, the best site I know, except this one for sure )
Posted: 2004-01-11 18:43:08
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deuxani Posts: > 500

Eldar doesn't have a prototype, he has hold one in his hands. He also saw some 3D models and first drawings of the phone before. He even gave a small description of it. He won't be the one to release the first spycam pictures. I expected someone from that Spanish SE site ToDo T610 to release the first photos.
Posted: 2004-01-11 18:46:30
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SE_believer Posts: 11

Hello Superluminova,

nice to see you ). When it comes to Eldar, what he is doing, because he always is knowing about new phones. does he work for SE or a russian telco. company, a consulter testing new phones. I don't know.

Posted: 2004-01-11 18:46:37
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